Forgive Me? Chpt 5;

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[ Steph's P.O.V ]


I ran upstairs as fast as possible. Im such a fool for nearly falling for Prince. Who am I to think that? I mean he obviously likes Rossia. How dare she.. she knows that I like Prince. He played me in the first flipping day. Forget him. I hear footsteps behind me so I run faster to my room and shut my door. Unfortunely he gets in before I shut it and grabs me close to him and kisses me for about 5 mins. I pull away and blush. Oh damn this boy, he sure knows im a softie.

Steph: What was that for?

Prince: That kiss between me and her meant nothing. I hope it didnt offend you in anyway?

Steph: Wellllllll......

Prince: It did right?

Steph: (nods)

Prince: (P.O.V: You stupid boy, why did you kiss her Rossia.. ) Im sorry.

Steph: I forgive you. (P.O.V: But never forget)

Prince: I dont want to go steady.

Steph: Im not ready for a relationship after I got out of a horrible one where he bea...... errrr (P.O.V: SHIT, SHUT YOUR MOUTH STEPH) Ermmm, i need to go toilet bye. (runs out)

Prince: (confused) what she on about..

I run to the toilet fast enough to get their and lock it without him getting in, I drop to the floor and cry as memories flood my brain of things that cannot be named. Why did he do that to me? He was the one who made me CUT. CUT REAL HARD. I cry even more but silently until I hear a knock on the door.

Prince: Steph.. you alright.

Steph: (sniffling) yeah.. what makes you think im not.

Prince: your crying.

Steph: (P.O.V: Shiz. Was I that loud...) You caught me.

Prince: ¿por qué lloras? ¿Hice algo mal? (why you crying for? did I do something wrong ?)

Steph: No. you didnt,Its just the past but i'd rather not talk about it.

Prince: Suits you (leaves)

I cry for about 10 more miniutes in my room and then finally drift off to sleep to a world of peace and quiet.



They boys are getting ready for their concert and The OMG Girls appear out of no-where and come hug the boys.

Beauty: BABY! I missed you (hugs Prince)

Steph: (P.O.V: Baby??)

Star: RayRay, what up sweety? (hugs RayRay)

Alanah: (P.O.V: nigga.)

Babydoll: Proddy Bear (hugs Prodigy)

Hana: (P.O.V: Hana... dont get jealous, shes not worth it)

Boys: Hey guys.. this is Steph (points to Stephanie)

Steph: stephANIE. (glares at the boys)

Roc: ok.... this is Rossia (points to Rossia)

Rossia: Hi.

The OMG Girls snort.

Rossia: Something funny bitch cause we can take this outside.

Beauty: Fiesty, (smirks)

Rossia: (glares at them)

Roc: (P.O.V: I smell tension)

Prodigy: Ok... urm... this is Hana (points and winks at Hana)

Hana: Hey y'all. (glares at Babydoll)

Babydoll: (glares back) (P.O.V: This girl thinks she owns Prodigy. She funny)

RayRay: and this is Alanah (points to Alanah)

Alanah: HI.

Keisha comes in.

Keisha: Ok guys your on in 5 mins. Time for a prayer.

They all pray.

Boys: AMEN.

Keisha: Now go  out their and rock LA.

Everyone: TEAM MB.

They go and perform My Girl while the girls have front row seats.


Rossia: I know right! (dougies)

Girls: (laugh)

At the end of the concert the boys bring up the girls to the stage.

Prince: Here are the 4 LUCKY girls who won, 1 year to tour with us.

Crowd: (screams)

Prodigy: We wanna say thank you to all the ladies who enetered. We all love you 1-4-3

Roc: Thanks for supporting us.

Ray: MB Y'all.

They all get off the stage and the girls are frozen in shock how they've just been up infront of thousands of people.

Boys: Girls...girls... GIRLS?

Girls: ohh..ahh..THAT WAS AWESOME.

Roc: Pretty cool right?

Rossia: (bites lips) HELL YEAH

Keisha: Good job boys, lets get home. See ya Beauty, Star & Babydoll.

OMG Girls: Bye. (smirks at the girls)

Hana: (mumbles) bitches..




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