[Arc 1] My friends

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Chapter 15:
Miyuki Suzanno, A Royal Knight

"Why is the fuck is everyone staring?!"

I could feel the bandage wrapped nicely around my chest, along a mint like sensation on my back, probably the ointment on my back. Luckily, Garrack changed my bloody shirt into one of her shirts.

Everyone couldn't help themselves but to stare, as I was only few hours from dying and now I was alive and cussing.

"Miyuki, what was your marks on the poison resistance?" Garrack asks, furrowing her brows.

"I believe it was 8.2 out of 10" I tried to recall and she started to scold me, that I was few people among the castles who has high resistance to poison. But that also meant painful experiences with facing a lot of poison "does the prince know about the wound?"

"No" Renhart answers, "I believe that the prince isn't aware about this"

"Good, let's keep it that way, whatever happens here, stays here" I spoke, feeling a bit light headed "also thank you Renhart for saving me, and Dr. Garrack too! Your herbs are always effective"

"Geez, I recommend that you don't push yourself too much" Garrack sighs "the poison was a very lethal one, if Renhart was few seconds late, you would've died!"

"Isn't it fine?" I tilted my head, It wasn't like I fear death or anything "at least it was for a honorable cause"

"You idiot!" Renhart smacks my head, I could feel his anger rising "treasure yourself a bit! I don't ever want to see you get hurt, think about how the others would feel!"

"Eh, why?" I asks "I only grew up to serve the prince, I'm an orphan so no ones going to care about."

"You don't get it don't you!" Renhart bursts, scratching his head "I like you, Idiot! Why can't you see that?!"

There was a silence in the room, my eyes widened, as Garrack was in a laughing fit, while Renhart's face was red as a tomato.

"You... like me? As in like romantically?" Taken back a bit "I thought you were gay!?"

"I do, I thought I liked you like a sibling but I liked you romantically!" Renhart explains "even at some point I thought I was gay too, but I'm not!"



"I'm sorry Ren, I just don't see you that way" I sat down on the floor and bowed down at Ren.

"I already know that..." Ren sighs, he already knew that I was going to reject him "I knew it from how the way you look at him... I just wished that you'd love yourself more, you may be odd but you are the kindest one out here and I couldn't help myself to like you"

I stood up and gave Ren a hug, thanking him for his confession but hoping their friendship stay as it was or maybe even stronger than before.

"General Renhart!" One of the castle's runner screamed "the king is looking for you, it is an important business!"


The two of separated ways, as I head at the training field. All the trainees were running around while Zen and Mitsuhide were sparring, the two of them improved greatly within the year I was gone. I couldn't help myself but to grin at the two boys.

"Yo! Zen, Mitsuhide!" I stole the boys attention, their face was filled with joy and started dashing toward me.

"MIYUKI!" They tackled me, as I somewhat able manage stay on my feet without landing on my back "we missed you!"

"Me too!" I patted their heads "the two of you improved greatly in the past year!"

"Really!?" Zen smiled cheerfully "also do you think I could start our secret lesson?"

"Yep, you improved a lot!" I playfully winked, as if it was a secret between us "I think we can start in two weeks! I have heal my wounds first, and I want to teach at my best condition"

"Yay! Thank you, Miyu onee-san!" Zen hugged me as he ran to the library for his upcoming lesson.

"You really need to stop spoiling him" Mitsuhide sighs as we watch Zen ran off to the distance.

"Can't help it, he's too adorable!" I giggled, my gaze reverted to the sky "I think he's going to be a fine prince, he's the type to rebel against society's mind. He has a bright future ahead of him."

"He does, and I want to see him grow too" Mitsuhide smiles "I guess I could empathize how you feel about watching them grow."

"Yeah, but I don't know what to feel when the person I like only see me as an hurdle. I'm just his royal guard, once he defeats me... I'll probably disappear from his world"

"You mean you like the crown prince?" Mitsuhide looked at me a bit shocked, not expected it to happen "but he's dating Lady Haki..."

"I already know that" I could feel my lips are forcing themselves to smile "I know that your a man of your words, Mitsuhide, but can you promise me that whatever I said to you about Izana. Can you keep that a secret for me?"

"Of course Miyuki. I promise" The boy pledge his promise "that's what are friends for!"

"Yeah, I guess it's not that bad when your surrounded by the people you trust!"


Okiee soo I have guud news and bad news;

Good news:

- I am going to update every other day.

-Arc 1 is definitely going to be finish by end of December (yay!)

Bad news:

-I (might) be taking a Hiatus for a month.

- Which means Arc 2 will start at February.

So yeah...


Don't forget to :





- Neku -

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