[Arc 1] A present

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Chapter 6:
Miyuki Suzanno, an orphan girl.

"Happy eighth birthday, Izana!"

"Isn't it a bit early for birthday present?"

I greeted the young prince, as I handed a perfectly wrapped box. It wasn't something expensive, in fact it was free (from the merchant!)

The two of us were in our usal spot, he was right. It was few months until the prince's birthday, however, since he is a royal blood, it would be impossible to give him my poor looking gift.

He opens my present to see the blue stone necklace as I wore the red stone accessory, he inspected my gift as he was infatuated at accesory as if he was in a trance.

"It's pretty!" Izana smiles as the sun's light gently glows on the crystal, and wore the present I gave him "thank you, miyuki!"

"I'm glad you like it!" I perked, hugging the prince back. The stones glow the moment they got closer.

Our expression is filled with surprise to see the stone glow, I could feel the stone release a warm red light, while the prince had a icy cool light.

Fire and Ice.

I took a gulped, remembering what the merchant told me few weeks ago;

"If they are meant to be, the stone would glow and their souls would be bonded. Making them....

My eyes widened, learning the fact that Izana was suppose to be my soulmate. I took a glance at Izana as he inspects the gift I gave him with amusement, the stone was still glowing until I decided to hide my necklace.

Along with my emotions...

I already knew that Izana and I live in different worlds, he's a prince and I'm a peasant that was adopted for work.

"Miyuki? Are you alright?" Izana sensed something was off with me, because I spaced out and he looks at me with worried face.

"Nothing! It's just I'm thinking that when we grow up..." I had to pause, carefully thinking my words "do you think that we'll still be friends?"

"Are you an idiot?" The prince whacked my head in a playful manner "of course we will! I mean your the only decent person to hang around with"

"I guess, it's just scary Izana. What if... one day you'll be somewhere that I can't reach you anymore?" I spoke my thoughts out loud, looking at the floor.

"You really are an idiot!" The prince held both of cheeks pinching it "I don't care about status, I may be a prince but I am a person to! Even If that moment comes then I'll just grab you with me, so that way you can reach me anytime you want!"

"You speak like an old man!" I teased as let go from pinching my cheeks "I guess ms. Wenry's lesson are rubbing off you!"

"You little brat! And here I thought I was trying to comfort you"

"Ehehe, thank you Izana!" I hugged the prince, making him shut up.


It was quite late at night when I woke up, I wasn't able to sleep from unkown causes. I felt like I needed to be in the Castle's garden, so I decided to walk there. I greeted some guards who were on their night shift and informed them that I will be taking a stroll at the gardens.

Arriving at the garden, I inspected the flowers and herbs that they are growing. I don't know much about plants but I enjoyed spectating it. The palace was quiet and peaceful, it was calm night.

"So, why'd you come back?" I talked outloud, as I hear a voice hitches

"You have a pretty sharp senses" a shadowy figure appears from the bushes "I was hoping if I could take you away from here?"

"I belong here" I rejected him without any hesitation, as I looked at the boy I just save few days ago. "my friend needs me, and I want to support him as long as I could."

"You claim your friend needs you. But what if doesn't need you?" He challenge me, making me think about my decision in life "what would you do then?"

"If that were to happen, then maybe I'll join your side." I looked up at moon, shining brightly along with the stars "if your offer still stand by the time that happens"

"All right..." The boy sighs, he was still wounded so can't make any hasty decision "but I'll come back for you one day, whether I have to use force or not"

"Be my guest." I smiled at him, I just created an odd relationship with him.

He was a mystery to myself, and I know that he is affliated with something evil. Yet I can't help myself to be friend with a villain.

I watch him slowly dissapears in the garden as shadows of the night slowly eats him away.

I was all alone again, yet I couldn't help myself but think his words about my relationship with Izana. We were supposed to be soulmates, yet my mind is filled with doubt.

One day, Izana won't need me anymore.

I sighed, thinking that perhaps the stones was just a scam. There's no such thing as soulmates or bonded souls. It's just stories that people made up.

It's not real.

The chance of being together forever with Izana is impossible.

After all,

He's going to be a king,


I'm just a peasant.



Don't forget to :





- Neku -

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