[Arc 1] Arguement

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Short Chapter (;-;)

(Despite of the chapter's title)

Chapter 17:
Miyuki Suzanno, A royal knight.

"You're leaving?!"

"I guess, I am..."

I was shock to hear the news of Renhart leaving the castle to recieve his training, to become the Head General for Clarine's Military. It was great promotion for him, as he was stronger than me and has a huge charisma within the military.

"I'll miss you.." I slumped my shoulders, we were currently having our break at the Castle's garden "without you, I guess I don't really have a lot of allies here"

"You'll be fine!" He ruffles my hair, messing my hair up "besides, we can still write letters and I'll come get you if your really in trouble!"

"Geez, your really the bestest friend I could ask for!" I hugged Renhart, feeling sad that he's leaving "when's your departure?"

"It's tomorrow morning," He answers my question and I felt even more sad how he was going to leave soon "Clarine's moves fast don't you think? I'm really glad that I was able to talk to you before I leave."

"Me too" I smile at Renhart "this kind of talks eases me a bit, as if I'm away from everything, like all my worries and problems are gone"

"Yeah... it is"

The two us was now silent, enjoying each others company in silence. It was something that was relaxing for the two of us, we stayed for few more minutes until I was requested to got to the King's office. Right there, our bonding ended.

I quickly headed at the King's office and knocked on the door, and entered the room. The tension in the air was quite visible to the point it was hard to breath, Izana and his father seem to be having another intense discussion and I interupted it.

"My king, my prince" I bowed, greeting the two powerful men in the kingdom.

"Just in time, Miyuki" the eyed Izana "I just want to say thank you for saving my son the other day"

"There is no need to thank me, my king. It is my duty to protect the prince from harm after all" I spoke "it is my job after all"

"Humble as always. I wish the men in the guardsmen would be someone like you" The king smiled "anyways, you two must've heard about a group of talented people would slaughter people for money. And I want you to protect Izana, as he investigates the place."

"As you wish, my king" I simply bowed "is there anything that I should look out for?"

"Yes, the two of you will be disguising as commoners" The king informed "It's a great chance for Izana to at least experience what it felt to be a commoner, to see and experience of their lifestyle and at the same time, it won't attract a lot of people."

The two of us listened carefully at the King's word, as Izana and the King mostly exchanges information most of the time. Their conversation slowly drifted away in my head as my thoughts took over.


I guess I'll be with Izana...



The meeting took longer than usual as Izana and I left the room, it has been some unspoken tension between us, as he was avoiding me a lot lately.

"Izana, how... have you been?" I initiating the conversation.

"I'm fine..." He answers dryly, at this point he was confusing me, one day he acts normally, while the other he's cold and unapproachable.

"You've been distant lately," attempting to learn his problem, reaching for his hand "Is there something wrong? You can tell me like we used-"

"No! I'm fine! You are just a guard, Can you stop being nosy for once!" He raised his voice, Izana slapped my hand away.

Crack.. crack..

"I... I see, I guess you can no longer trust me" I looked at the ground, my voice was shaking a bit.

"Miyuki, no, it's not like that. I'm sorr-"

"It's fine Izana, you've changed..." I cut him from speaking, not wanting to hear his next words "Your right, I shouldn't have ask, since I wasn't in any position to ask..."

There was silence between us, the tension between us were now starting to explode.

"You probably feel uncomfortable around me too" I mumbled, enough for the prince to hear it "I shall retire to for the night. Have a good night, my prince"

I left the hall where we were standing, it was already night time. I saw the night sky glimmering with stars, and I enjoyed what Clarine's had to offer.

"You didn't trust me enough to tell me that you're dating Lady Haki" I sighed speaking to no one,  those were the words I wanted to spit in my mouth when I was arguing with Izana. It was the first time for the two us had an arguement, and the two of us doesn't know what to do.

"I'm such an idiot for getting my hopes up!"

I sighed once more, I don't know what to do when we leave for the mission. I certainly broke the thin glass that the of us had, and now I don't know how to deal with it.

"I really am not meant to be with you"

Izana Wisteria...

I'm giving up on you...



Don't forget to :





- Neku -

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