Camila smiled as she felt the anticipation building for Lauren's introduction.

"I want everybody to stand on their feet for our varsity team captain. The number one high school player in the entire country! First team all American last year leading the nation in scoring and assists. I want everybody to scream as loud as you can for our point guard LAUREN JAUREGUI!" The announcer introduced screaming as loud as he could into his mic.

Lauren slowly stood up off the bench as She walked through the man made path giving low fives to all of her teammates who formed the path.

camila laughed a bit as she screamed at the top of her lungs for the girl who was responsible for the strong feelings building inside of her. She couldn't even describe how loud the gymnasium was. She could barely hear herself think.





The crowd chanted as Lauren waved towards the crowd as she emerged from the man made path. Dinah quickly approached her best friend as she wrapped her arm around her neck.

"Come on dude! Bring some excitement!" Dinah urged knowing the effect Lauren would have on the crowd if she engaged them.

Lauren smiled as she waved towards the crowd causing them to get even louder.

"This is your Varsity starting five folks! Let's give them a round of applause!" The announcer shouted at the top of his lungs although he was sure not to have the mic to close.




The crowd changed their chant.


"This is amazing! Our high school basketball team has this much support?" Normani questioned, regardless of how many times she thought about it, it really was amazing how one player could produce so many fans.

camila nodded vigorously excited for lauren. "That's how basketball is Mila! When you have an amazing player people will support you."

"Wow.." normani muttered as she continued to listen to the crowd chant.

austin who was sitting a few rows above the girls also was amazed by the crowd's intensity. This was his first time attending a school basketball game, so he hadn't known what to expect, but he certainly didn't expect that the guy camila was spending so much time with was so popular. Austin couldn't help, but frown a little, it was rare that he actually lost confidence, but as he listened to the crowd it was incredibly obvious that lauren was well liked and clearly he had already made a strong impression on his ex girlfriend.


After a few more minutes of chanting the crowd finally began to settle as the lights in the gymnasium dimmed even more and a spotlight came on the middle of the floor.

The other team stepped onto the court and both teams lined up on their side of the court near the half court line staring at each other. Both teams still had their warm ups on, but you could tell that they were ready to play.

lauren quickly found the girl who had unintentionally injured her in their previous meeting. Lauren's eyes were serious as she looked at the girl before directing her eyes to the other members of the team to try to assess their talent.

"Now we will have Shawn Mendes singing the national anthem." The announcer stated as the brown haired boy walked in between both teams with his mic.

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