"Oooooo. Cassio is not afraid of me anymore." He teased, then slaming Cas into the wall.

"Vector plate. Vector arrow." I commanded, pinning God to the wall. "Hurt him and I hurt you."

"So there's the Kishin and Witch part of you." He smirked.

"No, it's just when you hurt the ones I love." I hissed. "Do you really wanna risk killing one of your sons, for a hybrid like me?"

"I mean, I guess your right but I am still pissed at you for taking away my son." He told me.

"It was out of his own freewill. I was only a baby, hell I didn't even know how to talk or even walk for that matter." I told him two pretty good points.

"Angels are supposed to be soilders. They are not supposed to have freewill they are made to follow orders." He yelled.

"Love doesn't follow orders. It is about having a special connection with someone who loves you just as much back. It mat have taken 803 years for Cas and I to get married but that is Medusa's fault not mine." I lectured.  "Oh and about your intrest in my child, if you try taking her from me I will kill you amd not a bat an eye while killing you."

"Father, If you even try to touch this child I will help Jewls kill you." Gabriel told him.

"Same goes for me." Lucifer agreed. "This child could make the world or break it and I have a feeling he will make it." Micheal and Rapheal nodded in agreement.

"My own sons! Betraying me for a damn hybrid." God complained, pissed.

"She is more than a hybrid. She is the love of Cassio's life and the mother of his child. Cassio is our brother amd if you think we are going to leave him again you are crazy." Lucifer told him.

"Fine! Know this, when I come back down here there will be a war. A war bigger than Death City has ever seen and by then your child would be about early 20's be prepared." He warned the evaorating into thin air, letting Cas free. I ran over to Cas, wanting to make sure was okay.

"Cas." I said as I kneeled down next to him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine J." Cas awnsered as he sat up.

"I'm sorry Cas. Sorry for not telling you about Will." I sighed.

"I'm not mad at you. It is just surprising. Also quite surprising that you erased my memory." He sighed.

"Give me your hand." I requested. He gave me his hand and I thought hard about the memory. I let him see the memory that destroyed me. Once it was over I dropped his hand in my lap, then he hugged me. "I'm fine Cas. I have had 785 years to cope with it."

"I know." He told me.

"Well let's at least eat cake before going home." I told him.

"I love you and the way you think." He smirked as we parted.

"I love you too." I smiled back at him.

"What the f-" Kid started.

"Language!" Death told Kid.

"What the hell just happened!" Kid asked then had a painic attack. "T-the room isn't symmetrical anymore!"

"What happened is we threatened their father and he threatened us back." I sighed as I helped Cas up. Then Cas went up to his brothers.

"Thank you guys." He said as he hugged each one of them.

"Thank you for risking everything for us." I smiled. Then Gabriel pulled me in for a hug.

"Your apart of the family now J." Gabriel smirked.

"Only Cas is allowed to call me J." I informed him and Micheal then hugged me. Then Lucifer amd Rapheal hugged me.

"Gotcha sis." He agreed.

"I need to go talk to Crona." I sighed then walking towards my baby brother. "Little brother, are you mad at me?"

"A little." Crona sighed.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, that your an uncle." I apologized.

"I forgive you Jewls." he slighly smiled before I hugged him.

"Thank you Crona." I smiled then parting from him. "Love you little brother." Then I messed up his hair a little bit.

"Hey!" Ragnorak said coming out of Crona's back. "That's my job."

"Well too bad I am his big sister and be nice or your not getting cake Ragnorak." I smiled.

"Okay! I'll be nice just don't take away my cake."  He begged.

"Good and as long as your good you can have cake." I finalized to Ragnorak.

"Love you too sis." Crona smiled.

"I'll see you in a bit Crona and if Ragnorak misbehaves tell me." I smiled back at him then leaving to see my husband. It is so weird calling him my husband, I literally just got used to calling him my financee.

"Um Jewls I have been meaning to ask. What is that thing connected to your brother?" Lucifer asked.

"Medusa made Crona with magic and instead of using normal red blood she used black blood which came with 'that thing' and his name is Ragnorak. The reason I don't have one of those is becuase when I was born I was injected with black blood, I wasn't made with black blood." I explained to him.

"That explains alot. Anyway wecome to the family." He smiled.

"Thank you Lucifer." I thanked him.

"Eh, just call me Luc." He shrugged.

"Ok, Luc." I said.

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