Chapter twenty four

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This song is called Why, this is a music video so just skip the 60 if you want. This song  is sung by Sabrina Carpent. I quite like the music, I just found out about this song.
Treat people how you want to be treated.
(I don't know who said this quote but it's important).
Never regret.
If it's good, it's wonderful.
If it's bad, it's experience.

Victoria Holt

First of all I cycle to the beach, my hair whipping in my face multiple time when I stopped in front of a traffic light.

I cycled on the road at the side to let drivers pass by and so I would not cycle into people on the pavement.

My hoodie in my bag and my bag on my back, I pedalled quickly.

Strangely I seemed to be speeding up more when I was coming closer to the sea.

I don't know the exact reason why I am going as quick as am right now but why not? I am keeping my eyes open to make sure I don't cycle into people.

I looked about to try and find the place, the cliff, I was going to throw the hoodie off of the cliff so no-one would be able to catch it, the wave could make the hoodie come back to the cleats and a young kid could find it, image a six year old fighting off hungry Vampires. I know, that would look really cool but onto the present.

I look about and find a path, it leads uphill so I follow it, I drag my bike up the small hill. After breathing deeply for a long time I got my breath back.

When I reach the top I see a bench. I put my bag on the bench and grab my hoodie.

I put my hoodie over my arm, leave my bike on the ground near the bench and zip the bag closed.

I stand up, the hoodie on my arm. I move closer to the cliff. I look at the waves crashing against the cliff, the waves covering the sharp rocks underneath the water.

I look at my hoodie and at the sea.

"Bye." I said to my hoodie.

I let my arms fall down to my side and let gravity and a small breeze move the hoodie into the sea.

The hoodie hits the water and sinks as the fabric of the hoodie absorbs the water and sinks in the water.

I take a step back from the cliff's edge and grab my bag, and get on my bike.

I'm not really sad about not having my hoodie, there hasn't been a Vampire attack in all the time I had the hoodie which was about three days.

I cycled down the steep hill and to the place I had my job, Starbucks.

"Hi Carla, so shall I take the customers orders?" I asked her.

She looked at me. "Yeah go on." She said.

I go to the cashier.

"Hey does this have caffeine?" I see a girl with her hair tied in a messy bun. She holds a glass of water that was in a clear plastic cup that had a red and blue logo.

"No there isn't any caffeine in water." I answered.

"Can I have a refund?" She asked.

"It's water, of course it doesn't have caffeine". I told her.

"Look you should have told me that water didn't have caffeine, it's not my fault that you people don't tell me about this." She answered, a few people were behind her.

"Look, I'm sorry but the person who gave you this probably didn't tell you because they knew that normally there wasn't any caffeine in a cup of water." I told her.

"Do you think I'm stupid? Please can I speak to your manager." She asked me.

"Yeah, she is right there." I said pointing towards Carla.

The girl walked towards her.

"Excuse me, miss can you please fix something?" She asked.

"What happened?" Carla asked.

"Well I walked up to her asking if there was any caffeine in this cup of water and she said no, so I asked for a refund and she said no and...." The girl was in thought for some time. "And she called me stupid!" She said, her eyes flicking to the ceiling.

Lair. Calm down Serena lets just be happy, she just twisted the truth a bit, I'll just tell the story from my side.

"Is this true?" Carla looked at me.

"No it isn't, she did asks for a refund but I didn't call her stupid and secondly." I look at the plastic cup, it didn't have a Starbucks logo on it. "That cup isn't even from Starbucks."

Carla and me both look at the girl.

The girl takes a step backwards.

"Well have a nice day, bye." The girl said, she then grabbed a jacket that was  on a chair and walked outside.

"So sorry you had to deal with her, but remember most times the customers are always right. Now go back to the counter." Carla said to me.

Over the next two hours no-one was really that annoying.

After the two long hours I put off the apron, grabbed my bag, told Carla I was going and got my bike.

I cycled to my apartment quickly and changed my clothes, I had a coffee stain on my sleeve.

I then leave my bike in my apartment, I am not going to drag the bike up and down the stairs again, I have tried to use the... elevator but I don't know how it works and it's so strange, I see people walking out of the elevator as if it was normal that they just went down 14 floors in one minute.

I walk down the streets humming. Just randomly, my hands in my pockets. My hair that is in a ponytail, swinging side to side.

I turn a corner and walk into a person, I nearly fall backwards but I catch myself.

"Sorry I didn't mean to walk into you." I said.

"It's fine." The person I walked into said. "Serena."

I look at the person and see that it was Tom.

I must have said the word cycle so many times, sorry. Thank you for reading, don't forget to read, vote and comment. Please. Also if you want to you can read my other books but if not then it's fine.

Time: 14:01

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