Echoes In The Corridor

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Echoes In The Corridor

About a month before the end of my final school term, and a couple of days before I received a certain break time detention and got held back after school, something interesting happened.

We had a visitor into school to talk to us about our futures and what we wanted to do with them. They would be visiting all the different classes in our year at certain times. It happened to take place for me in Mr Floyd's English lesson.

How surprising.

Tessa, Aria and I were all waiting outside the classroom for Mr Floyd. I could see Tessa eyeing the skirt I was wearing with a coy smile.

"Come on, say it" I sigh, looking at her

"That's an interesting choice of skirt Karen, particularly for this lesson" She comments and I shake my head.

"I've noticed that, and you've curled your hair Karen, are you making an effort for someone in particular?" Aria contributes and I roll my eyes.

"For the last time guys, I do not have a romantic liking to Mr Floyd! He's just... Not my type, at all" I insist but they both shake their heads at the same time so it looks creepy.

"I'm afraid we don't believe you Karen" Tessa tells me with a smug smile and I groan loudly in frustration.

"Well please can you believe me?!" I shout, and I'm surprised to see Aria and Tessa begin to laugh at something behind me.

"Could you possibly keep your voice down on the corridor Karen?" A smug male teacher voice asks, and I roll my eyes even more, so much that I'm worried they'll roll back into my head and stay there forever.

I turn around and look straight into the eyes of Mr Floyd. His eyebrow is raised bemusedly and I narrow my eyes at him.

"Of course Sir, it's not like I'm being harassed or anything" I tell him and he begins to unlock the classroom door.

"Harassed? That's a tad extreme Karen. What exactly are you being 'harassed' about?" He asks, turning around and allowing students to flood into his classroom.

"It's about-!" I stop abruptly, realising I can't tell him what Tessa and Aria are teasing me about because he'll be all obnoxious and think I like him, even though I do not. "... Never mind Sir" I sigh

"Good that's excellent to hear, now come on Karen into the classroom" Alex sweeps me in and when I'm inside I can see all the chairs and desks have been moved.

The desks have been stacked against the sides of the classrooms, and the chairs have been rearranged into a circle in the centre.

For a moment I'm confused why, but then I remember that we're having some kind of visitor into school. And then I see him.

Tanned, muscular arms and legs, long brown hair tied back into a pony tail, clean shaven, a white t-shirt that reveals hints of an eight-pack, perfect defined face, perfect white smile and a perfect bum too. He's sitting on Mr Floyd's desk flicking through Grapes of Wrath, nodding his head occasionally as he reads.

The chairs closest to this Muscle God are swarmed by girls eager to get close to him. I scowl; jealous I can't sit beside him or even near him. I find Tessa and Aria, and thankfully they've saved me a seat, although it's facing Mr Floyd instead of the instructor.

Tessa is sitting beside Ed, clearly oblivious to the presence of the beautiful man in the room. I'm next to Tessa, and Aria is next to me, slightly closer to the man than I am.

Mr Floyd closes the classroom door and perches at the back, on a spare chair. He's eyeing the instructor warily.

The girls in the class are eyeing the instructor hungrily, like he's something to be devoured. Although I would admit I'd like a bite of that peachy bum.

"How hot is he?! He's like heaven descended onto Earth" Aria swoons and I giggle.

"I know, Mr Floyd doesn't look too pleased though" I point out, and Aria raises her eyebrows at me.

"Well if you've got Mr Floyd I guess this means I can call dibs!" Aria tells me and my jaw drops open, outraged.

"You can't just call dibs!" I say, prodding her in the side so she giggles.

"Quieten down class" Mr Floyd instructs "We're about to begin"

The girls fallen silent immediately, eager to meet this new teacher. The boys are slouched near the back, still whispering and looking highly unimpressed.

The man on Mr Floyd's desk stands to his feet and moves into the centre of the circle.

"Hello class" The beautiful man says "My name is Michael, and I'm here to talk to you about your future"

I cross my legs and lean forwards in my chair, eager to impress Michael. Although I notice my eyes refuse to focus on him, choosing instead to flick to Mr Floyd every so often.

"Who knows what they want to do with their future?" Michael asks and flashes a winning smile in my direction. Aria giggles again beside me, clearly hoping that his smile was directed at her, but I could have sworn it was at me.

Michael appears to speak with some form of accent, Italian or Spanish or something sexy like that. He almost purrs his words and it makes him even more irresistible.

"Raise your hand if you know what you'd like to be" Hardly any hands go up, and Michael smiles again.

"No one knows what they want to do? In that case, I will help you to decide" Michael vows and the girls swoon again.

Suddenly, Jamie (who's been staring at Michael intently since he entered the classroom) places her hand up and when Michael selects her she puts on her best smile and flips her hair back "This is a little personal, but where are you originally from? Because you sound like you have an accent and it's very nice, Michael" She flirts and I can see Mr Floyd sighing at her for getting off topic and flirting with the instructor.

"I'm originally from Spain" He replies and she nods, twirling a piece of hair around her finger, acting enthralled by his every word like every other girl in the class, including me.

"Stay on topic please Jamie" Mr Floyd scolds and she huffs.

"It's most alright, Mr Floyd. I believe that if we're to discover who we wish to be, we need to be comfortable around each other. To discover who we truly are we need to be free to be ourselves and not hold back" Michael says, turning around to address the other half of the class.

Aria and I are now given an excellent view of his bum. I look to Tessa to see if she's joining in but she's talking to Ed with a silly smile on her face.

I doubt she's even spent a second looking at Michael with Ed in the room.

"Someone's gonna have to hold me back in a minute if he keeps talking like that" Aria vows and I laugh.

"Who laughed then?" Michael asks, turning around suddenly. Instantly I turn scarlet and shyly raise my hand.

"Ah, may I take your name?" He asks me and I blush, my breathing suddenly becoming uneven.

"It's Karen" I tell him and he smiles.

"A truly beautiful name" He praises and my heart beat quickens. "Could I possibly have you as my lovely assistant for this next activity?" Michael asks and I nod.

He takes my hand and pulls me to my feet. I can feel the glare from practically all the girls in the room on my skin, it's filled with so much jealously and hatred it almost burns.

But I don't care, because Michael the gorgeous man with the beautiful bum is holding my hand.

He twirls me round slightly so my back is to him, but now I'm facing Mr Floyd again.

It appears the girls aren't the only ones glaring.

There's a prominent scowl on Mr Floyd's face and I can see his fist clenched on the desk.

For a second my eyes meet his but he looks away quickly, choosing to scowl at his feet. I look away too, and realise Michael has been talking this whole time.

"... And that will allow us to truly connect with others, which will allow us to access our inner hopes and dreams. Are you ready Karen?" Michael asks me and I turn around to look at him.

"Ready?" I ask and he chuckles, a deep masculine laugh sprinkled with his delicious accent.

"For the trust fall exercise, I will catch you Karen" Michael vows dramatically and I swear I hear a few girls sigh dreamily at the sincerity of his tone. "Now Karen, if you're ready"

Taking a deep breath, I lift my arms up and slowly allow myself to fall backwards. Within seconds Michael has caught me and the warmth radiating from his muscular arms is enough to make me blush.

Michael props me back up to my feet and I turn around to smile at him. He beams at me and turns back to the class.

"That was excellent Karen! Now I would like you all to split into boy and girl partners and try this exercise please" Michael instructs, and counts up the numbers. "There's an odd number, so I will partner with Karen again. Alright, you may begin"

As the girls shuffle off into pairs they scowl at me, but are quickly pulled off into pairs by the boys. Michael turns back around to face me but before I can speak to him I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Is there a problem Mr Floyd?" Michael asks, with the sadness in his voice apparent, as he clearly thinks he's done something wrong.

"No, not at all Michael, you’re fine" Mr Floyd replies, which satisfies Michael as he smiles again. However I can see Mr Floyd is lying through his teeth. "I'd just like to have a word with Karen outside, if that's alright with you"

"Of course, go ahead" Michael agrees, and I'm lead outside the classroom by Mr Floyd.

There's something seriously bugging my English teacher today.

"What's the problem Sir? Is it about my course work?" I inquire and Mr Floyd shakes his head.

"No Karen. I don't think your behaviour towards Michael is appropriate for a school environment" Mr Floyd states bluntly, causing my eyes to widen considerably in shock.

"I'm sorry what?" I say and he folds his arms over his chest, so much so that his striped tie is squashed behind his arms.

"Your behaviour is inappropriate. The classroom is no place for being sexual towards another person, never mind a visitor to the school Karen" Mr Floyd tells me, and I can see his fists are still clenched.

"I'm sorry?" I exclaim again and Mr Floyd raises his eyebrows at me.

"Your behaviour towards Michael, a visitor to this school, is completely inappropriate. You shouldn't be flirting with men like that Karen, because-!"

"I'm not being sexual! I'm pretty sure I'm the only female in the classroom with all my top buttons still done up! And he picked me to do the exercise! It's not like I volunteered and offered to give him a quickie in the process!" I rage, irritated by his claims.

"Watch yourself!" Mr Floyd growls and I scowl at him.

"I haven't done anything!"

"Calm down Karen, now you know what you've done you can return to the classroom and continue with Michaels talk, but only if your behaviour improves" Mr Floyd tells me, and opens the classroom door back up. I scoff and march back into the classroom, to find everyone back in their seats. There must have been an additional chair added because when I go to sit down I find a chair next to Michael and Aria available.

When I sit down Michael beams at me again and I smile back coyly.

If Mr Floyd was accusing me of acting sexual, the least I could do is give him some substantial evidence to base his claims on.

"Now class, I want us all to hold hands, and we're going to close our eyes and focus on our breathing" Michael says, and takes my hand and the hand of the other girl next to him too.

I can feel Mr Floyd's eyes burning into me once more, and I smirk, crossing my legs and twisting my body towards Michael. "I'm going to Spain next year on holiday" I lie "What's the weather like there?" I ask Michael and he chuckles.

"The weather is beautiful, always sunny and warm!" He says wistfully, as though he misses home.

"Is the weather really hot there?"

"Extremely" Michael agrees with a seductive smile.

"Will I be able to wear my bikini's to go swimming in?" I ask him quietly and Michael lowers his gaze to my lips then back to my eyes. I smile at him, and run a tongue over my top lip.

"Karen! Get outside the classroom, now!" Mr Floyd growls, leaping to his feet and throwing the classroom door open. Shrugging at Michael innocently, I release his hand and step towards the door and Mr Floyd, making sure to sway my hips enough to keep Michaels attention.

Once I'm outside the classroom again, Mr Floyd slams the door and pulls me over to one side of the door, so we can't be seen. "That is completely inappropriate Karen I cannot believe you would do that after I specifically told you not to!"

"Well apparently I was already behaving inappropriately so what the hell; I might as well go the whole hog! I might even get a new boyfriend in the process!"

"That's enough Karen!"

"What is wrong with you today?!" I demand and he stops looking angry for a moment, his breathing hard and heavy. My own heart is pounding fast, so different compared to how it was with Michael. "It's not just me in the class! I'm not the worse one! There are girls in there who have everything hanging out! You can't punish me because he keeps picking me!" I tell him, and lean my back against the wall huffily, not looking at him.

"It's not appropriate Karen" He murmurs weakly, and I refuse to look at him. "You should behave yourself. You can do so much better than that..." He gestures towards the classroom, looking for the right words "You don't need a man like that Karen"

"Who do I need a man like exactly?" I ask, and he looks to the ground "Oh come on, since you know me so well you know what men I'm into now"

"You don't need a man to complete you Karen-!" Mr Floyd begins but I cut him off.

"You sound jealous"

He stops and looks at me, and I force myself to lift my gaze from the floor to look at him. To my surprise he cracks a smile.

"Now that's inappropriate" He warns and I smirk at him.

"’Now that's inappropriate’" I mock in a deep male voice and he chuckles, and I laugh too, standing away from the wall. I take a few steps closer to him, suddenly brave.

"What does it matter if it's inappropriate?" I ask and he smiles, letting his eyes drift shut for a second.

"It's far too inappropriate Karen. Besides, just because I don't look like that doesn't make me any less of a man" Mr Floyd tells me and I scoff.

"Of course Sir" I chuckle

"But if the girls paid that much attention to me at least they'd have a clue what goes on in Grapes of Wrath" Mr Floyd sighs

"Trust me, you don't want their attention. Especially Jamie's" I shudder "Plus you wouldn't like all that staring and ogling, they'd be all smarmy all over you and it's just be... Ugh, it'd be awful to watch" I complain and he smirks.

"Now who's jealous?" He points out and I raise my eyebrows.

"Now that's inappropriate" I whisper and he laughs.

"Well as long as you stop being inappropriate towards Michael we shouldn't have a problem" Mr Floyd says and I roll my eyes

"As long as you stop being jealous of him we shouldn't have a problem" I say and this time he rolls his eyes.

Slyly, I check down the corridors and seeing it's clear I take a step towards him.

I lean forwards, and the delicious smell of his aftershave fills my head. I hear his breathing hitch and I feel a hand reach up and hover near my hip, but it never makes contact.

"You don't have to be jealous" I whisper into his ear, and before he can say another word I walk back into the classroom.

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