Failing the Test

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Failing the Test

"So... You're Karen's... Boyfriend?" I hear Aaron ask from the living room.

"Yes, I am" Alex replies, and I can almost hear him smiling through his words.

Alex is so cute.

I'm hovering on the staircase, all the clothes and items I need in a bag slung over my shoulder. My foot is floating above the floor, but I remain on the steps, eager to eavesdrop on the conversation between my boyfriend and my brother.

"That's disgusting. Girls are really weird" Aaron retorts and Alex laughs. "Especially my sister, she's really odd"

"Yes she is" Alex says and laughs, causing Aaron to burst into high pitched giggles.

Alex is suddenly not very cute anymore.

"Aren't there any girls at your school that you like?" He continues after a pause.

"Not really, all the girls are silly and they all like One Direction and Justin Bieber and my Dad says that they aren't real music so I don't like any of them. Plus in the playground they all chase me and try and kiss me and it's boring because I want to play football" Aaron explains and I have to cover my mouth with my hand to stop myself from bursting into laughter.

I sit down on the step, and listen to what's going to be said next.

"If you don't like the girls just ignore them and they'll go away" Alex suggests, but Aaron pipes up immediately.

"Nah, cause I tried that and I just ended up getting kissed a lot because I wouldn't run away" Aaron sighs dramatically and I laugh into my hand.

Mum comes down the stairs and stares at me puzzled as to why I'm on the floor. I place my finger over my mouth to ask her to be quiet and I gesture for her to sit beside me on the last step. Raising her eyebrows, she sets down the basket of dirty clothes that she's holding and sits beside me. I point towards the living room and she nods in acknowledgment.

"Is it bad getting kisses?" Alex asks and I hear Aaron sigh dramatically.

"It's awful! Girls are gross!" Aaron states bluntly. Mum and I look at each other and roll our eyes.

"What about your Mum and Karen?" Alex questions with bemusement in his voice.

"Oh...." I hear Aaron say, and I realise he's reconsidering his view on the female population. "Well, Mum's great because she makes me pancakes and she gives great hugs but Karen's still weird"

Mum laughs out loud at this and I nudge her in the ribs and she covers her mouth with her hand like I am. She looks at me and winks, and I roll my eyes at Aaron's comments.

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