Confetti On Toast

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Confetti On Toast

So you know when you're watching a film, and the two characters you've been wanting to get together for ages finally kiss in some totally clichéd moment, and then the scene cuts to when they wake up in bed together the next morning?

Well that's what happened to me.

Honestly, I can't even explain it. One moment Alex and I were dancing by the side of the road, and the next moment I'm waking up the morning after in his bed.

So much for my feminist stand against him where I totally wasn’t going to sleep with him again.

I can't remember driving back to his house, but somehow it happened. I just remember our lips touching outside his bedroom door and the heated battle that followed concerning who could remove the other's clothes faster. It's safe to say I won.

When I wake up the following morning, I don't even remember where I am. I realise I'm naked, but covered under some silky white and black sheets. The bed is empty apart from me, and the house is quiet.

I smell Alex's scent lingering, and I smile to myself when I realise what happened.

I slip out of bed, and hurriedly scoop up some clothes. I throw on my pants and bra, and one of Alex's white shirts that I find on his floor, which I don't fasten because I'm still half asleep and the task to fasten finicky buttons frankly seems too difficult.

I stumble across an en suite in Alex's bedroom. I find a spare toothbrush he obviously left out for me and give my teeth a quick brush, although I don't spend too long on it as I'm hoping there will be an offer of breakfast and I don't want my food to taste funny.

Leaving the en suite I enter Alex's room again and I'm pleased to see he's brought my handbag upstairs for me. He must have done some mooching about to fish out a toothbrush for me and bring my handbag up. I wonder how I didn't hear him rustling about.

 Am I really that heavy of a sleeper?

I rumble through my handbag until I discover my hairbrush, and I tug it through my hair a few times. I then throw the brush back into my bag, and make my way out of his room.

As I leave I spot my reflection in his mirror.

I look rough.

But I also look kind of hot.

I'm sparkling with that glow that only comes from good sex, and my hair is ruffled and wild. Even better, my body is looking extremely good in Mr Floyd's white shirt, and for a second I wonder if I look even better in it than he does.

I guess I'll have to ask him.

I leave his room, and sneak down the stairs. On my bare feet the wood of the steps is cold, and I tentatively tiptoe down the stairs.

I pass various articles of clothing, and I recognise my own socks and belt strewn across various steps. I also see Alex's trousers, belt, underwear and socks. I can't help but wonder why he hasn't moved them yet, but I assume that he probably enjoyed seeing them there on his stairway.

I reach the bottom and place a single foot on the cool landing floor. My hand reaches out for the banister and I realise my dress and the t-shirt Alex had on yesterday are slung over the banister.

I tut and shake my head, and take a few steps out into the landing.

The kitchen isn't hard to find, and when I walk in the intoxicating aroma of toast kisses my nostrils, and I take a deep breath in as it smells divine. I see the plate of toast before I see the owner, and I'm about to steal a slice before I realise my presence hasn't been noticed yet.

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