Remembering Helps You Learn

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Remembering Helps You Learn

"Karen, why are your eyes all red and puffy?" Tessa asks me during first period.

I can't tell her why.

I was crying for most of the night because of what happened with Mr Floyd.

I just didn't understand how something so good could become something so bad in such a short amount of time.

I dreamed about him too.

No matter what I did, he wouldn't leave my head. All I night I flew between dreams of him.

Some were good, memories of us kissing, being together. I even had a dream where we were on a ship and it was sinking, and we vaguely resembled Rose and Jack from Titanic.

He told me he loved me a lot too, even though I've never considered hearing those words from him, and never once thought about saying them back.

He said other things too, whispering sweet nothing's to me. I heard him tell me I was beautiful, just like he had last night.

Before the fight, and before the tears.

Most were bad, horrible flashbacks of what he'd said, nightmares of us getting caught kissing in the classroom by members of staff. I even saw him in jail, trapped between iron bars, career and life over.

He would be in jail because of me.

That was the worse nightmare of all.

I woke up this morning to find my eyes suffering the consequences of my horrific nights sleep.

They're red and swollen, and no amount of make up will cover the puffiness. Most of the redness has gone, but you can tell my eyes are swollen.

"I think it's hay fever" I lie to Tessa, even though I've never suffered from hay fever in my life.

Tessa looks dubious, like she doesn't believe me. I shrug, and continue with my work, but she won't let it go that easily.

"Karen, tell me the truth" She demands, and I shake my head. There's loud male laughter coming from the other side of the classroom. I notice the teacher has left the room, which is why the voices are so loud.

"Hey Tessa!" A voice yells, and I breathe a sigh of relief, grateful I've been saved from answering her question.

"What do you want?!" She yells back, and Ed is pushed forwards from the group of boys.

"Ed wants to say something to you!" Another voice shouts, and they all snicker.

Tessa looks at Ed expectantly, raising her eyebrows at him and crossing her arms. She seems cool as ice, but I can see her foot tapping nervously under the desk.

Ed looks extremely anxious. His face is bright red and I can see his sweaty palms from here. He flicks his hair, and clears his throat.

"Tessa..." He begins, and she raises her eyebrows even higher "Will you be my girlfriend?" He stutters.

Tessa gasps, and I grin excitedly. She's been wanting him to ask her this for ages.

Their date at the cinema apparently went really well. They'd hung out a couple more times, and even though Tessa refused to give Aria and I the juicy details, we knew she'd kissed him and obviously really liked him.

She did tell us though that he put his arm around her shoulders in the cliche fashion of pretending to yawn. Aria and I had groaned at the cheesiness of this, but we could tell with the sparkle in Tessa's eye that she was pleased.

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