Romance 101

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Romance 101

"Hello" I greet through gritted teeth, forcing a smile "My name is Karen and I'll be your waitress today"

"Oh isn't that cute!" Ms Tinker squeals, with a huge smile on her face "She's like a proper little waitress and everything!"

Well what else am I meant to be, a plastic waitress? I scowl at her but I have to hide it beside my sunny mask of a smile otherwise I'll get in trouble with the owner for not being polite to the customers.

Even if the customers consist of my ex-English teacher of a boyfriend and a blithering idiot.

"Yes I am" I reply and force a laugh. From across the room I can see Tessa with her eyes locked on me, trying to make out what we're saying but I don't think she can hear. "What would you like to order to drink?"

"Ooh, choices, choices and more choices!" Ms Tinker babbles and skims through the menu "I think I shall have a nice cup of tea!"

On my pad I write down 'one cup of tea for the mad hatter' and I look at Alex with a blank expression on my face. I can see him squirming from here and he obviously feels really uncomfortable.

I would feel bad for him but if he has the audacity to bring Ms Tinker into my restaurant then he deserves no sympathy.

I just feel so jealous. It’s like the envious emotion I’m feeling has manifested itself into a carnivorous beast that’s eating me from the inside out. I hate the stupid grin on her face, I hate that he’s talking to her, and I especially hate the way she was draped over him.

The thought of him being with anyone but me makes me want to scream.

I’m so jealous.

And I have to conceal it too.

"What would you like to order, sir?" I ask Alex and he looks at me worriedly. I wonder if he can tell that I’m foaming with jealously inside.

"Just a cup of tea for me too, please Karen" He orders and then adds "And no food for us thanks we can't stop long" I nod and before he can say another word I walk away.

I relay my orders back to the kitchen and I go and sit at the breakfast bar with Tessa. I see the chef lazily pouring three teas, clearly making an extra one for his own consumption as well.

"God she's all over him!" Tessa exclaims about the scene taking place in the corner booth.

"Tell me about it" I mutter dryly.

Tessa’s eyebrows shoot up in shock at my comment, but before she can ask me about it, my two teas are placed in front of me. I grab a tray with various condiments on it and place the two teas on the tray.

I then make my way towards Alex and Ms Tinker, who is still laughing extremely loudly at her own jokes. It makes me want to punch her in the face.

"Two teas for you" I tell them and set each cup down in front of them.

"Excuse me Karen, you couldn't possibly show me where the toilets are could you?" Alex asks me, giving me the eye to suggest that he doesn't need the toilet at all, that he just wants to talk.

"They're right around the corner, sir" I instruct and I can almost hear him growl in annoyance. I set down the teapot of milk and the bowl of sugars on the table and I see Ms Tinker dive straight into it and fish out three bags of sugar.

"I'm not sure where you mean Karen, could you show me?" Alex asks again and I fix him a stony look.

"It's not really in my job description, Mr Floyd" I tell him bluntly and this time he sighs out loud.

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