A Plateful Of Advice

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A Plateful Of Advice

"I'm sorry I never told you Karen I just didn't know how to" Alex begins and he looks at me guiltily "And when you brought it up the other week I thought for definite I could tell you then but I chickened out last minute"

"Why would you keep that a secret? That's something to be really proud of!" I exclaim and Alex looks embarrassed.

"It's the only book I've ever written that's been published and for years after they asked me to write a follow up, make Detective Brynes into a series but I never could" Alex sighs and then reaches forwards to take my hand.

"Why couldn’t you?” I ask, looking down at his hand over mine, and trying to erase that stupid photo in his stupid frame of his stupid wedding.

“I don’t know Karen, but this morning I started writing and I can’t stop and it’s wonderful. It’s because of you, and I really do love you Karen. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the book, I just didn’t know how to” He apologises, and I sigh.

“Look it doesn’t really matter. I’m sure there are bigger issues” I mutter, and he looks at me confused but doesn’t pursue it. “Come on, let’s go, we don’t want to keep your Dad waiting”

Alex beams at me and nods, and starts the engine. It purrs into action and he pulls out of my street and begins driving down the dimly lit road.

I stare absent minded out of the window. In my eyes white wedding dresses flash and I have to stop myself from grinding my teeth. He’s married. What an idiot, I should have known.

I can’t help my mind wondering back to that old English class and I can’t help but feel doubtful and let down. Wade asked him if he was married and he said no. Why would he lie?

“Karen is everything alright? You’re rather quiet” Alex inquires and I turn my view from out of the window to look at him.

He isn’t looking at me because he’s driving, but instantly I see a flash of him wearing his wedding suit. I blink it away hastily, but it makes me shrink into the car seat and the seatbelt cuts into me in a non painful way.

“Yeah, I’m just... Nervous” I state, and he nods. Alex reaches over to squeeze my thigh in a supporting way and he smiles at me.

“Don’t be Karen; he’s going to love you just as much as I do” Alex tells me and I smile a little unsurely at him, but he doesn’t see.

He removes his hand from my leg to place it on the gearstick to park the car. “Are we here?” I ask him, a tad stupidly as he’s stopped the engine from running and his hand is on the handle of the car door.

“Yes, we are, you numpty” He chuckles, and leaves the car. I unbuckle my seat belt and go to grab the handle on my side but before I can the door swings open.

Alex is there with a dopey grin on his face holding the door for me. Smiling at him, I try to gracefully leave the car. I manage it, and I hear Alex close the door behind me. He loops an arm around my waist and pulls me to him.

I’m crushed against his chest and he presses his lips to mine, his face slightly scratchy against mine from where his beard is growing back. He reaches up with his other hand to cup my face and my whole body tingles because I really love when he does that.

“You ready?” He asks me, and I nod. He releases me and places his hands into his pockets and I link my arm through his and walk with him towards the restaurant.

The wind is nippy, like little ants biting my skin, so we hurry into the restaurant. Once inside, the gush of hot, heated air hits us and I shudder delightedly in the sudden warmth. I remove my coat and Alex does the same.

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