A Pen Or Pencil For You Sir

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A Pen Or Pencil For You Sir

This is ridiculous.

For three days I've been hiding in the library during school break and lunch, just because of the fear I have of bumping into Mr Floyd outside of lessons.

The shelves of dusty books seem to provide much better comfort than in the busy canteen. Plus in the canteen, there is that ever present chance of seeing Mr Floyd.

We haven't spoken properly since we kissed, and that was over three days ago.

Even in lessons, it's different. We don't speak before the class begins, and we hardly speak during the lesson. I don't put my hand up to answer questions and he doesn't ask me anymore.

I get on with my work and don't get in any trouble so he has no reason to keep me behind.

Aria and Tessa have noticed what's going on, but they don't know why. They keep asking me, but I won't tell them. It's a secret that only Mr Floyd and I know.

For the first couple of times, they hung out in the library with me, but soon became bored. They'd gone back to the canteen and I hadn't argued with them.

When I stop being so worried about seeing or talking to Mr Floyd, I'll probably go back to the canteen with them.

But for now, I'd rather hide in the library, free from the threat of seeing Mr Floyd.

I'm currently hidden between two book cases, sitting on the floor instead of at a table. I have a book in my lap but I'm not reading it, I'm just flicking through the pages to occupy my idle hands.

My foot taps anxiously on the floor. There's still over thirty minutes of lunch left, and I'm meant to be going to the extra English session with Mr Floyd after school tonight.

I haven't made up my mind whether or not to go though yet.

From where I'm sitting in the library, I have a perfect view of everything. I can see the door, so I know who's coming or going.

I can see the nerds siting at the tables, fawning over some book they're constantly passing around their table. I can see the librarian, putting away the stationary into the large cupboard behind her.

And I can see Ms Tinker wobbling through the library door in her precariously high shoes.

Those almost stilettos are practically screaming 'I'm desperate'.

I roll my eyes at her, and go back to flicking through the pages of my book. She wobbles past me on the floor, and looks down at me in disgust.

"There are tables available you know" She points out in a cynical tone. I ignore her, muttering under my breath.

"There are longer skirts available you know" I whisper drily about her miniskirt, but she doesn't hear me.

I look down at my own school skirt. It falls mid thigh, and is a black pencil skirt. It's not exactly going to win me a place in the nunnery, but at least I don't look like a common stripper like Ms Tinkerdoes.

She selects the book she wants from the library, and wobbles back over to check it out. The librarian strikes up a conversation with her.

"The Grapes of Wrath, that's an interesting choice" The librarian states, and slides the book over to her. "Surely one of the English teachers would have leant it to you dear?"

"But that's the thing, I'm going on a date with an English teacher, so I can't be borrowing a book from him! But I do want to be in the know so I can impress him!" She giggles, tossing her dyed hair over her fake tanned shoulder. I scoff at her from my hiding spot.

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