Chapter 20

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*Hayes P.O.V*


We were heading home, her hands in mine. I'm not going back to North Carolina. I'll start doing online school if I need to. I can't leave her. We leave in 1and a half weeks! I all font know if Taylor said we could stay longer. Imma have to ask him. Oohh and I gotta tell him Alex is now my girlfriend.

"I'm sorry I ran away." Alex finally spoke breaking my train of thought.

"no I'm the one that's sorry. I've told you a million times." I say while rubbing her knuckles with my thumb.

"Hayes I've told you a million times too, it's ok. I'm just sorry I ran away because I could have just ignored you and stayed with Carrie. I'm just....sorry I left I guess." She says looking down at the ground.

I stop and turn to her. I put her chin between my middle and index finger and lift her head so she could look at me.

"Alex, don't worry about it. I would rather have had you leave then ignore me for the rest of the day. I would have done the same thing if I were you?" I say with a smile so she could feel better.

She looked into my eyes with hers. She gave me a little smile and I kissed her forehead. We kept walking and got to her house.


*Alex P.O.V*

"so you and Hayes are a thing now?" Asked Carrie while she say on the edge of my bed.

"yeah. I know what he did hurt me but there something about him that I just can't stay away from him." Cliche I know.

"well what about you and Shawn? Like since you got here you've always been with him." I add combing out the knots in my hair.

"it's a long story." She said.

"well make it short." I smirk at her and she laughed.

"fine. make yourself comfortable." She half laughed.

I walk over and sit next to her waiting for her to start the story.

"well out all stared when I moved to Canada. I moved to a new school and started within the week." She started.

"wait I thought you were home schooled?" I interrupt.

"I did but my parent wanted me to have actual friends because we were new there." She replied.

"Oohh." Ph I knew

"anyways, I started 3rd grade. Nobody was my friends until I met Shawn. He came into my class 2 days after I got there. He was on a vacation thing our something. He sat next to me and we became bestfriends.until like 6th grade. Her stopped talking to me. For the whole year! Then in 7th grade he tried to get me back. I played hard to get. Then in 8th grade I finally gave in. It's kinda like you and Hayes, how you can't stay away from each other then in the middle of 8th he finally asked me out. Ever since we dated all through the rest of 8th through 10th grade." She said starting to get sad when she got to the 10th grade.

"then I moved here and we lost contact. So when you texted me about the Magcon boys being at you're house i knew he would be there and I missed him So I said yes." She then added.

"that's pretty much it though" she then said.

"well that was interesting."I chuckle.

Hayes walks in with Shawn and we stand up to greet them.

"heyy baby." Shawn said into Carries ear and kissed her on the cheek. Uugh their prefect for each other!

Hayes comes over to me and wraps his cold arms around my waist.

"heyy bb!" He yelled.

I laughed,"heyy bae!"I reply back.

He put me down but still kept his arms around me and kissed my cheek. I kissed him back. Carrie and Shawn walked downstairs.

"get on my back." Hayes said while turning and ducking so I could get on his back.

"no." I snap.

"get on!" He repeated.

"Hayes Imma break your legs." I say walking in front of him. He stood up straight again.

" Alex I've picked you up before and you are not heavy now get on my back!"he said in a patient tone.


"ok then. Well..." He started then grabbed my legs. He picked me off my bedroom carpet and carried me on his shoulders downstairs.

"Hayes put me down."I exclaim.

"Ayye you didn't wanna get on my back so this time I'm not gonna ask." He half laughed at me. I give up.

We get downstairs and I notice the boys haven't gotten here yet. Hayes walks over to "our couch" and sets me down. He suits down next to me. He puts his arm around my shoulderand kisses me on my forehead. Then My phone starts to ring and I answer it. It was Taylor.

"talk dirty to me Lulz jk what's up?" I say very quickly.

"heyy Alex. Uum don't worry about us we just went out and got caught up. Don't stay up so late. Well be home in like 3 hours ok?"

"ok ber Bye." I say back to him.

He chuckled then said Bye back.

"who was that?"asked Carrie who was cuddling with Shawn on three couch in front of us. He was playing with her hair and she had her arm around his torso.

"it was Taylor. He said they got caught up somewhere and that they would be here in 3 hours." I say.

"ok.well it's like 9 o'clock, you guys wanna watch a movie?"she asked all of us while walking over to whet all our movies were.

"yes!" Answered Hayes making his grip around my shoulder tighter.

"w should watch GREASE because I love that movie." I add squeezing his thigh.

"ow babe!"he said in a fake pouty voice. I just laughed.

She grabbed Grease from the shelf and put it into the DVD player. She turned on our 39' flat screen TV. I walked over to my room and grabbed some blankets and pillows. I gave Carrie and Shawn two blankets and two pillows, same add Hayes and I. He really just wanted one pillow, so I agreed with him. He gently spread the blanket over us. I curled up next to his chest and he put one of his arms around me and the other intertwined with one of my hand. I started to shake. Summers in Seattle aren't always warm but then again I get cold easily.

"Heyy babe you ok?" He asked looking down at me.

"Yeahh I'm just a little child that's all." I smile.

"you want the other blanket?"he asked, unwrapping his arm from me and teaching down to the floor to grab the other blanket.

"if you don't want it it's ok Hayes." I say to him.

"well now I want to because I don't wasn't you to get all cold on me." He said while unfolding the blanket and spreading it over us.

"thanks." I whisper and kiss him on the cheek then turn towards the TV to watch the movie.

"No babe..."he said turning my head back to him and looking at me straight into my eyes. He gently pressed his peach/pink lips on mine. I kissed him back.

"...Thank you." He finished after kissed me. I giggled. I hugged him and he hugged me back then we went back to watching the movie.

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