Chapter 67

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ATTENTION PLEASE!  I accidently mislabeled chapters and published the wrong one!  Please go back and read chapter 66, then read this one again.  I promise it'll make so much more sense!  To my reader who pointed this out to me: thank you so much for doing that!

The next morning, we got to wake up slowly. Sometime during the night, Loki and I had untangled our limbs so when I woke up without contact with him, for a moment, I thought it had all been a dream. But then, I saw where I was and the scepter in the corner. Slowly, I rolled over close to Loki. He was lying on his back, his eyes closed and his face relaxed. Not wanting to wake him but still wanting contact, I wrapped my arms around his and pulled myself up against him. Loki's response was immediate, he pulled his arm away, turned onto his side, and held me against his body.

"It is good to wake up beside you again."

"I agree, last night was long overdue."

"I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, you were perfect. It's a good sore, much like...after a good training session, but better."

"So I was....adequate?"

"You were so much more than that." I kissed him. I had meant it to be a chaste kiss, but somehow, it got heated quickly. Loki was the one who had to pull away.

"As much as I would love to go again, darling," His eyes moved to his scepter, which had started to glow, "My commanding officer wishes to speak with me."

"Can I come along? I can attach my consciousness to yours."

"I suppose that would be possible, but I need to be clothed."

"Come on!" I placed both hands on his chest and pushed him down, "You look so much better like this."

"I do not believe Ammon will share your sentiment."

"Ammon is your commanding officer?"

"I believe so, yes."

"Then I suppose you can put your armor back on." I watched with rapt interest as he rose from the bed and began putting him clothes back on, layer by layer, until his hands and face were the only visible skin. I had to admit, he looked better than I remembered in these clothes. The black leather clung tightly to his lean, muscled form and the green accented his slim hips and thin torso while the gold brought attention to his wide chest and shoulders.

As soon as he was ready, I sent my consciousness into his body through the Bond and he answered the call from the scepter. Instantly, our world faded away and I found myself standing on a form of dark rock, floating in space. The spongy-looking holes in the rock made it look like the moon, but I knew this to not be true. We were nowhere near Earth, and I didn't know where in the galaxy we were either, there were no nearby planets or recognizable constellations. There was a single Chitauri present and I recognized Ammon instantly.

"The Chitauri grow restless."

"Let them gird themselves, I will lead them in the glorious battle."

"Battle? Against the meager might of Earth?"

"Glorious, not lengthy. If your force is as formidable as you claim."

"You question us? Question Him? He who put the scepter in your hand? Who gave you ancient knowledge and new purpose while you were cast out, defeated–"

"I was a king! The rightful king of Asgard. Betrayed."

"Your ambition is little, born of childish need. We look beyond the Earth, to the greater worlds the Tesseract will unveil."

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