Chapter 148

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There was an explosion above us. The sky flashed a fiery red as debris bounced and fell along the barrier, just as T'Challa promised. However, any confidence that that instilled in me vanished fast. When the smoke cleared, we could all see several massive ships landing just beyond the barrier. Their landings were strong enough to shake the ground and set fire to the forest.

"It's too late." Vision was struggling to get up, "We need to destroy the stone now."

"Vision, get your ass back on the table." Natasha was already running back the way we'd come.

"We will hold them off." Some of T'Challa's guards left his side and went to stand by the entrance.

"As soon as that stone is out of his head, you blow it to hell."

"I will."

"Evacuate the city," T'Challa was still issuing commands, "Engage all defences," He pointed at Steve, "And get this man a shield."

It felt like the preparations took forever, but that was just because Loki and I were already ready. The only thing I did was summon my rings and put on all Ten, revelling in the feeling it gave me. T'Challa had seen fit, though, to furnish us with additional weapons. I now had a second sword strapped to my side. I fiddled with the hilt while Loki busied himself with hiding his new vibranium daggers in various places on his person. That is, aside from the one he was twirling.

"You've now got daggers from what, three different planets?" I laughed a him a bit, "Asgard, Sakaar, and now Earth? Of all the things to collect–"

"Shut up." But he was laughing with me.

Nothing had emerged from the massive landing craft yet, but that just made me nervous. What new devilry did Thanos have in store for us now? It clearly wasn't another Chitauri army. We would find out soon enough though, because as soon as the others boarded the carrier, we sped off. Sam and Rhodey kept up easily by air, but the biggest surprise was seeing Bruce running alongside in Tony's Hulkbuster armor. It seemed Hulk was still being shy.

"How we looking, Bruce?"

"Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it! Wow, it's like being the Hulk without actually–" He screamed and I looked over just in time to see him faceplant on the ground.

"I'm ok. I'm ok."

"I got a heat signature breaking through the tree line." Rhodey's voice came in over coms. At the crest of the last hill before the barrier's edge, all the carriers suddenly swerved. All the soldiers were ready, sliding out flawlessly and hustling to take up formation. Loki, Steve, Bucky, Natasha, and I followed suit from our own carrier and we lined up in front of the ranks. In the meantime, T'Challa exchanged a few words with another commander–or perhaps not a commander? They addressed one another as equals.

Then, we approached the barrier where the blue-skinned, horned woman was waiting. Almost cautiously, she tested the barrier with her sword. It hummed and sparked at the contact, but did not give. The distinct odor of electricity made me want to sneeze, but I resisted.

"Where are your friends?" Natasha mocked. I was glad that Maw wasn't here. His absence could only mean that Tony, Strange, and the kid had managed to take over that ship. But then why hadn't they come right back? I shook my head. I couldn't afford to get distracted now.

"You will pay for their lives with yours." She growled, "Thanos will have that stone, and her life." She pointed the tip of her sword at me. Loki flicked his wrists, bringing a dagger to each hand. Like a peacock flaring its feathers in warning.

The Last Shifter (a Loki romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora