Chapter 55

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Thanks to Loki's quick thinking, we quickly got out of the chaos. Odin and Thor got there moment after we did.

"To the weapon's vault, now."

"What happened?"

"Frost Giants broke into the weapons vault." He replied bitterly, "The Destroyer had taken care of it."

"But how did they get past Heimdall? Shouldn't he have warned us?"

"He should've sounded the alarm and raised the palace shields." I was the only one who seemed to be at all concerned about the serious breach, Thor was grumbling about his day being ruined and Loki was being as silent as a shadow. But I sensed no worry from him and that was.....strange given the situation. I knew that Loki had a deep hate for Frost Giants, yet had no significant emotional reaction to their presence!

The vault was deep in the palace and freezing inside. Frost covered that walls and floor, and the two guards that had been on duty lay dead at the end of the hall. The Destroyer was waiting for us, tall, unmoving, and silent. The only reaction it had to our presence was backing up into its 'hiding spot'. From what I saw, all of the relics were in their place. Ashes were all that remained of the Frost Giants–three by the look of it–and they surrounded the pedestal containing the Casket of Ancient Winters. The winds inside swirled darkly, like they did when a being of winter was nearby. Loki. But he didn't know that. Thor was the first to speak.

"The Jotuns must pay for what they have done!"

"They have paid, with their lives. The Destroyer did its work, the Casket it safe, and all is well."

"All is well? They broke into the weapons vault! If the Frost Giants had stolen even one of these relics–"

"But they didn't."

"Well I want to know why!" Odin looked at him.

"I have a truce with Laufey, king of the Jotuns."

"He just broke your truce! They know you are vulnerable."

"What action would you take?"

"March into Jotunheim as you once did. Teach them a lesson. Break their spirits that they never try to cross our borders again."

"You're thinking only as a warrior."

"This was as act of war!"

"It was the act of but a few, doomed to fail."

"Look how far they got!"

"We will find the breach in our defences and it will be sealed."

"As king of Asgard–"

"But you're not king!" Odin finally yelled, "Not yet." Loki and I remained silent during the entire conversation and I kept getting a distinct feeling from Loki was he was....satisfied. Not the 'oh it's so fortunate this happened' satisfied, but the 'my work paid off' satisfied. Loki wouldn't meet my gaze when I stared at him, my eyes full of inquiry.

Once Odin was satisfied that there was no immediate threat to the weapons vault, we returned to the auditorium, but not for the reason that I expected. Odin disbanded the crowd, claiming that 'recent events prompted the postponement of the coronation' and that they 'would be notified a month ahead of time'. Loki was feeling so victorious at the moment that I almost felt like it was my own emotion, even though he wasn't showing it. Something was up with him.

However, I did not get the chance to ask him what. We shadowed Thor to the dining hall, where he proceeded to overturn the table contained what would've been his first feast as king. I winced at all the work that was wasted, but the food would undoubtedly be given out to the less fortunate later.

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