Chapter 53

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Loki's POV

Arista switched positions so she laid tucked between the peculiar back of the custom piece of furniture and my body.  Just like last time, she placed her hands on my face but this time, she didn't have to tell me what to do, I remembered perfectly.  Close my eyes, let her in, and let my mind go blank. 

It seemed that I was suspended in a senseless darkness much, much longer than before but perhaps that was because she was summoning a greater portion of her memory.  The previous vision had spanned perhaps ten minutes, and that was being generous, but this was an entire year's worth of extremely detailed recollection and 'playback', as she had described it once.  However, when I was finally able to feel again, I was standing on a cliff of some sort, looking out on the strangest sight I had ever seen.  To the left, there stood a row of unnaturally tall and steep blue mountains with snow-capped tops.  In their massive shadows to the left, there was a deep green field as far as the eye could see.  To my right was the setting sun and silhouetted against it were four long, thin, unsupported cliffs jutting out of the land at an upward angle.  There was a river heading in the direction of the sun as well, the water glistening in the light.  When I looked down, I found myself at the very edge of a fifth unnatural cliff and below, a forest in the beginnings of autumn.  There were smaller cliffs jutting out of the forest, which surrounded the cliffs and lined the river into the sunset.

  There were smaller cliffs jutting out of the forest, which surrounded the cliffs and lined the river into the sunset

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"This is the Crossroad, the one place in which all of the climates of the world meet."

"Your world has distinct different climates?"

"Yes, the mountainous, or high altitude range, the rolling hills and floating lands, the ocean that contains the most frightening of all creatures, the desert behind us, the most lonely place in the world, and the plains of memory.  It was said that without a map, you could get lost and just end up going in circles with no visible landmarks for miles.  Each of the five climates has one governing Shifting establishment and the main city, the one I just left, governs them."

"Your Council of Ten."

"Yes.  We colonized other worlds but this was our Motherland and all colonies reported to the Council."

"If your parents wished to keep you a secret, then why have you live in the highest city of government?"

"All classes have access to the main city and due to the big population, it was much easier to remain anonymous there.  The Council had their own little establishment meant for them and their offspring but since my parents were 'childless', they could live wherever they desired and nobody would question it.  They only had to go there for the seasonal meetings."

"And where is this meeting place?"
"In another dimension, so to speak.  It isn't so much a matter of location but talent.  Any Shifter of a high enough class can open a portal to the place." Arista looked up just in time to see a giant, circular mass fly overhead.

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