Chapter 51

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Arista's POV

The next morning started bright and early and with that came a completely reenergized and well-rested mind and body. I felt no ill effects from my actions yesterday as I sat up and stretched. The sun hadn't quite cleared the horizon and Loki was only just beginning to stir so I laid back down next to him.

"Mmmm. Good morning, my dove." His arms snaked around me and pulled me up against him.

"Good morning, my King." He stiffened.

"To be a king, I must have something to rule."

"Oh, but you rule do rule something, my love. You rule my heart." He nuzzled my nose with his.

"And that is more precious to me than any kingdom however, I do not believe father will take kindly to the name."

"He doesn't have to know." I shifted so that our lips brushed when we spoke.

After some time cuddling, Loki decided he was hungry and hauled us out of bed. The first thing I did was go over to the closet and start sorting through my dresses.

"Do not forget, you have your duel with Sif today."

"Oh yeah." I shoved my dresses aside and pulled out the outfit I had worn to Vanaheim to recover the Soul. I put on all but the cloak and turned to find Loki already dressed in his semi-formal garb.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Hang on. Where do you keep your daggers?" He tossed me a several from his person for me to hide. Then, I gathered my hair into a ponytail at the base of my skull, "Now I am."

"Then let us go and eat."

My unusual outfit drew a few confused looks from the general crowd in the dining hall but not a word was said about it. Sif arrived not long after Loki and I settled in to eat and as soon as her eyes landed on me, she marched right over.

"Given the events that have transpired between now and when I challenged you, I will not dishonor you should you respectfully chose to back out."

"I will say the same to you. From all the negative things Odin had said about me, you must be concerned that you will not win the duel. I will go through with it if you do."

"Very well. The last time I gave you an hour, you got yourself arrested and turned it into a month. That will not happen this time. We will duel as soon as I am finished with my meal."

"And if I am not finished with mine?"

"Too bad."

"For you. Because you will have to wait." The warrioress growled at me, moved down two seats, and began to eat her breakfast very, very slowly.

Since I would be fighting soon, I only ate enough to give me energy but not so much as to weigh me down. Any additional energy I would need would have to come from my rings.

Once I finished eating, I slid down in my chair and kicked my feet up on Thor's vacant one across from me. If Sif was trying to annoy or anger me, she was going to have to try harder than this.

"How do you plan to fight her?" Loki had opted out of his royal seat and sat next to me.

"To injure but not to kill." Loki scoffed.

"I have never seen you fight so forgive me lack of faith but I have seen her duel. She's ruthless and often wins because she was underestimated by her opponent. And don't forget that she can put conditions on the duel. Her first move will be to out rule your magic and your shifting."

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