I wouldn't have it any other way if as long I can make him happy I'll be happy to. For now, Natsu placed my luggage in the corner of the room before sitting down on the sofa signing, at this time I took a look around. A one story home where they are both front and back door entrances, and...






Scaring the jebsus out Natsu, he noticed that Riylore sprang from her feet running to her luggage. She puts on a scarf over her hair and now is dressed in suitable attire to... clean?... "Uh, babe are you okay?" Natsu worriedly yet a confused expression was plastered on his face. Riylore ignoring Natsu briefly scans the room to find the nearest thing to clean, "If this place isn't organized I will die! Natsu I love you, but if you want your woman living here things will have to change!!!!!!" It was almost like an Earthquake was happening in the home, Riylore fixed the shelves putting what ever is required to be shelved there. Books bottles, the works, then she went to the floor cleaning off what scrummage was on there, Happy did his best to help but the only thing that he really did was stay out of the way. Natsu, on the other hand, watched in amazement as Riylore worked diligently, noticing the house looking bigger than before.

With that, Riylore was pleased, things sparkling clean, happy was a wife she sat happily on the floor, she even made tea.. somehow.

"Natsu, I have to ask."

Natsu hums in acknowledgment, for a moment there he was drifting off to sleep sprawled across the red sofa. His sandals kicked off, the aroma of Riylore's tea cleansed the house's dirty mixture of men and mold. "Where am I going to sleep?" Crawling to his side she leans slightly up against the edge of the sofa looking to him, though she leaned the furthest way from him. He looks down at her at the end of the sofa, "Well... I figured you would just sleep in the hammock with me." He lifts himself off staring at Riylore confusedly, like that what she intended to do as well. But this hammock, it's small, small enough to only hold one person and maybe a certain blue cat as well, but not enough for two people...

Across the sofa, she peers into Natsu confused and foolish expression, "I guess so." Giving up not taking any more of Natsu puppy eyes, and grumpy facial expressions. She thought that living the minimalist life was going to be exciting and new, but then she realized how much she loved living the lavishing life, with bed and comforters. . .


With that, Riylore decided to go out, to the market, Happy came along with her to only keep her company since he was amazed by how much jewel Riylore had packing in her wallet, but that's only because Riylore saves instead of spends. Honestly, how could Natsu and Happy survive this long? She was only to get the essentials since Natsu isn't all that competent, he did have a small garden in the front and the back of the house. The streets of Magnolia were outrageous! Riylore really never ventured outside the Academy's walls unless it was for school reasons even then she was with her friends.

This was all a new experience for Riylore, it's only been a few times she walked the streets of Magnolia especially in the market area, she saw everything. To little shop stands, they were selling fine yet cheap jewelry, stands with an amazing assortment of fruits. Riylore passed by a shop that sold baskets and bought one for herself to carry her goods in, the other basket she had she left with Reira-san. Hoping someday Reira-san will pass by one another again, even if its just to say hello. She did feel bad leaving Reira there all by herself, but she knows deep down that she'll be okay. She's a strong tough woman, even if her husband did pass away, to Riylore, Reira-san has been like a second mother. Maybe a third...

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