21. Riley

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Promise ring^

"I'm so proud of you baby" I murmured looking down at Alex who smiled. We were driving to his house for a celebratory dinner his parents were having but what he didn't know was that Brian was back from his tour and was going to surprise him since Alex thought Brian would be back in in August.

"Do you think Avery was watching?" He asked as we drove to his house. His parents and brothers asked me to keep Alex occupied after the graduation ceremony so he won't figure out the plan. As we neared his house though, my wart began raising and my hands began to clam. Not only was Brian one of the surprises Alex had but I was actually planning to ask him to move in with me and maybe one day once we're both ready, ask him to marry me.

Over the course of our relationship we've had our ups and downs but we always worked through them and get back on top. We almost broke up a couple months ago due to a misunderstanding but in the end we worked it out and I honestly can't picture myself with anyone else but him.

"Riley?" His voice broken me out of my thoughts and I hummed,"Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I replied looking over at him and he raised a brow

"You sure? You've been quiet the whole ride" he said and I smiled rechifla over and grabbing his hand and lacing ours fingers and raising his hand to press a kiss to his knuckles

"I'm sure. Just thinking" I murmured and he nodded

"Well don't forget to make a turn here" he chuckled making me smile and turn onto his street before driving down the road a few minutes before pulling into his driveway and parking the car beside my dad's car.

"Come on, don't want to keep the family waiting" I said and he nodded before placing a kiss on my lips and I smiled pecking him one last time before we both got out once I turned the car off.

"So I was th-" Alex began as I opened the front door of his Blake and everyone inside yelled 'CONGRATULATIONS ALEX!' At top of their lungs cutting Alex off mid sentence. His eyes bugged out and he let out a soft gasp as his eyes scanned every familiar face in the group before they landed on one specific person making me smile. He let my hand go before he ran and jumped in Brian's arms, his arms and legs wrapped around Brian's neck and waist making the oldest Gallagher brother laugh as he hugged him.

"You really out did yourself,son" Dad said after I greeted everyone and I smiled

"He's been talking about missing him, besides Brian had called earlier in the week saying that he was allowed to come home earlier than planned." I replied with a shrug as I watched Alex go around the room greeting everyone before he went back to talking with Brian who rolled his eyes and laughed while shaking his head at whatever it was that boyfriend was saying.

"Did he say how long he'll be home for? I know Kenny would have loved to be here but he wasn't given the clear by his commander" Dad said and I nodded with a sigh

"I know, we talked last night via Skype and he said he wished he could be here to witness the big moment" I said making Dad laugh

"I'm sure he'll be happy for you as your mother, Mattie and the girls are. You're making one of the biggest choices in life and we couldn't more proud of you, son" he said and I smiled

"Thanks, Dad"


"I have an announcement" I said as I stood from my seat beside Alex making him look up with a frown but I just smiled,"well its more of a question actually"

Our families and friends watched on with smiles waiting for me to continue, so I did, turning to Alex and getting on my knee making him widen his eyes and he was about to protest as we had both agreed to not get married for a few years, until we finished college.

It All Happened With A Football (NEW VERSION) Completed ✅ Where stories live. Discover now