2. Alex

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Everything was going perfect and then it happened. Mitch and his friends cornered me when I was on my way to the bathroom. I was dragged into an empty classroom where, as you can guess, my daily beatings began.

"Please stop" I begged but all they continued their assault on my body that already beginning to bruise only being mindful of not hitting my face because they knew what would happen if my brothers and the others would do.

"Shut up faggot" Mitch hissed as he took a handful of my blond hair and punched me on the chest making me gasp in pain as the air flew out of my lungs due to the impact. If you have guessed the reason behind the beatings then you're smart. The bullying began a year ago when I came out to the person I thought was my friend but is one of the people beating me.

"What the hell are you doing?" A voice yelled before the bodies beating me were pulled off and the sound of grunts and groans filled the air. Black dots coated my eyesight before everything went black. The sound of a door opening brought me back to earth causing my eyes to snap open. I looked around me and realized I was in the infirmary and the boy from this morning was talking to the nurse who instructed him to lay me on one of the cots in the room. I winced as I was laid down and he was quick to apologize

"Sorry didn't mean to hurt you"

"Don't be, you didn't do any of this" I murmured before gasping as Nurse Jackie placed an ice pack on my bruised ribs

"You need to tell the principal Alex, this can't keep happening," She said and I swallowed the lump in my throat as I looked away

"The beating will only get worse if they find it I told the principal," I said

"So you rather get beat near death then get help? What if the next time there won't be someone to help you? What if you don't make it?" She fired off and I sighed

"Then I guess I won't make it," I said softly ignoring their stares

"You say this now but won't you care about what your family feels when they lose you?"

"They'll happy that they won't have to worry about me anymore" I replied

"You really think that?" My head snapped up so fast I was afraid that it would fall off and looked at the boy who brought me in before lowering my eyes

"I mean they'll be sad but they'll eventually move on" I murmured and felt the bed dip and looked up when I felt him across from me

"I doubt that will happen. Look I don't know you and you don't know me but I agree with Nurse Jackie about you telling the principal about this." He said

"You have no idea how many times I wish I had the guts to tell the principal but I always back out knowing that Mitch and his friends will eventually find out and make things worse" I muttered.

I don't even know why I'm even talking to him about this, I mean for god sake I don't even know his name.

"Um, thank you, by the way, for, um back there, you did-" I began when he cut me off

"It's cool, I'm Riley by the way," he said with a smile while holding his hand out

"Alex, but I guess you already knew that since nurse Jackie called me that" I whispered and he grinned

"It's nice meeting you" Riley stated making me give him a small smile

"Look, Alex, like I said before. Tell the principal and your parents. I have a feeling you asked your brothers not to tell them," he said I bit my lip because I did. I made them promise to not tell my parents because they already have enough on their plate as it is with one of my older brothers in Afghanistan.

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