20. Alex

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"I can't believe you're getting married" I said as I stood in the doorway to Ryder's room and he looked at me through the mirror and smiled

"It's strange you know" he said and beckoned me over and I walked in and sat on the edge of the bed,"But it feels right all the same. I'm marrying the love of my life and I honestly couldn't have asked for anyone else"

I smiled at that and pictured myself being in his place nervous as I wait for my mother to come and get me to walk me down the isle and meet with Riley. Because that's the person I see at the end of the isle in my dreams. The person that I see myself spending the rest of my life with.

"Have you thought about where you're going for your honeymoon?" I asked and he nodded finishing tying his tie before coming over to the bed and put his shoes on. The ceremony was starting at 6 and it was already 5:45 giving him 15 minutes to get ready.

"I thought it would be good to take him to Rome for a few weeks before heading to Paris. We thought about going away for a month" he said and I nodded

"Sounds like the perfect vacation" I said and he smiled turning to face me as he grabbed his jacket and out it on. I fixed his tie and felt my eyes sting with I shed tears and he smiled reaching up and wiping the tear that had won and slipped over the lid

"Hey, what's the matter now?" He asked and I swallowed the lump in my throat, sniffled and exhaled before shaking my head and smiling up at him

"Nothing, just being the emotional 17 year old that I am" I said making him smile

"You'll be in my place soon enough" he said with a wink making me roll my eyes

"It won't be for a long time though" I reminded and he raised a brow

"How so?" He asked and I shrugged

"Because we have t even talked about that" I answered and he nodded

"Well you have time to talk about the future" he said and I couldn't agree more. Besides we were still in high school. We have plenty of time to figure out what we're going to do with our relationship.

A knock on the door had us parting and Ryder called the person who knocked to come in and the door opened to reveal Casey dressed in a a similar tux I am was. Navy blue with a white button up underneath and black dress pants.

"You ready?" He asked and Ryder took a deep breath before he nodded. The ceremony hall was filled to the capacity with family and friends from both sides though there were more family from our side of the family than that of Ethan's.

Everything after that went by quickly. My brother and Ethan exchanged vows and each laced a solver band on their ring finger. There was not a single dry eye in the room. I looked over at Riley who was sort of Ethan's groomsmen and smiled. He looked utterly handsome in his black tux and his hair quiffed. He looked up and smiled when our eyes locked.

Love you he mouthed making me smile and look down before mouthing back that I to too loved him. Once the ceremony was over, we all headed to the banquet hall for the party.

"We have a few words from the new happy couple" the DJ said as we sat at the main table while the guests sat at there designated tables all around the banquet hall.

We looked to the far end of the table and saw Ryder and Ethan as they stood from theirs seat, each holding a glass of champagne.

"First of all, we want to thank each and everyone one you who took time out of their day to join Ethan and I on this special day" Ryder said as he looked over to his husband before turning to the guests once more," I want to also thank my family and friends for their unconditional support and love they've shown me throughout the years. You all have been my biggest supports and motivators and I couldn't have done this without you"

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