10. Alex

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"ISABELLE WHERE IS MY WATER!" I heard Riley's voice yell from the other side of the door making me blink, I could hear glass breaking and Isabelle cursing and I debated on whether I should ring the bell or not.

"Oh thank god you're here" the doors flew open making my decision for me with Arabella's voice and I blinked

"Uh,hi?" I greeted unsure and she pulled me inside closing the door behind her

"I SWEAR TO GOD RILEY IF YOU FUCKING YELL ONE MORE TIME IM GOING TO CASTRATE YOU!" Isabelle yelled storming out of the kitchen with a bottle of water in her hand before practically stomping up the stairs

"Uh what's going on?" I asked looking at Bella who sighed

"Ever since Riley got out for the hospital yesterday, he's been a real pain in the ass," she said leading me towards the kitchen motioning to take a seat on the island.

The Cordelli house is beyond anything I've ever seen. The front alone of something I only ever saw in movies but the inside was out of this world. The front lobby, yes a freaking lobby, was all marvel with two staircases that split in the middle where the hall was which led to the kitchen and living room. The kitchen was all white with stainless steal appliances. The island was made of crystal and white marble.

"So what brings you to our h-" Bella began when the sound of a bell ringing from upstairs cut her off and she groaned

"BELLA I NEED MY PILLS!" Riley's voice yelled from somewhere on the second floor

"For fuck sakes" Bella mumbled rubbing her forehead

"If you want, I can take them. I have to go up there anyway to drop of the PreCalc homework." I said and she looked at me with a grateful look

"Are you sure? I don't what you to feel obligated." She said but I waved her off

"Why don't you and Isa got out for a little bit while I stay here with Riley? I'll get him whatever he needs just point me to the different places that I'll be going to." I said and she looked conflicted before nodding and showing me every inch of the kitchen. What foods he likes and dislikes to what drinks he enjoys and everything in between

"BELLA!" Riley yelled and Bella mumbled something under her breath before walking over to the side wall and grabbing a phone before talking into

"giuro se urlerai ancora una volta che ti soffoccherai, mi senti?" She said and I raised a brow confused as to what she was saying. She said something else in the same language before shaking her head, and rolling her eyes with a smile before hanging up. (I swear if you yell one more time I'm going to choke you, you hear me?)

"What language were you just speaking, if you don't mind me asking" I questioned and she grinned

"Italian" she replied and I nodded,"Do you speak another language?"

"Uh, yeah. I speak Spanish and Irish" I answered and I watched as her eye brows went up to her hairline

"Damn." She whistled making me chuckle

"I guess it's something you need to learn if you want to be able to communicate with both family on both sides" I said with a shrug

"What do you mean?" She asked as we walked back to the foyer before climbing the stairs and goof down a narrow hall the led to the bedrooms, at least I think they do.

"My dad's side of the family are Irish while my mom's side of the family are Hispanic." I said and she made an 'O' shape with her mouth before stopping in front of a door and knocking on it gently

It All Happened With A Football (NEW VERSION) Completed ✅ Where stories live. Discover now