Prologue: Alex

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The sound of my alarm blaring Just Hold On by Louis Tomlinson and Steve Aoki woke me up from my deep sleep and I groaned throwing the covers over my head after pressing the snooze button. I closed my eyes and was ready to go back to sleep when a gust of cold air engulfed me making me gasp and sit up. I looked at the culprit and narrowed my eyes when I saw one of my 4 brothers, Ryder.

"What the hell Rye" I whined and he rewarded me with a raised brow

"Get up. Unless you want to walk to school. I'm headed that way for work. The others already left." He said and I huffed.

I looked over to the nightstand where my phone was and checked the time to see that it was 7:45 am giving me 15 minutes to get ready for school. So with that, I jumps out of bed and padded my way toward my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Once that was done, I turned the shower on and jumped in, and not long after I shut the water off and climbed out, and made my way into my room to get ready for school.

I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, and a white graphic tee shirt after grabbing my boxers and socks from my drawer. Once I was dressed, I grabbed my backpack from my computer chair and walked out of my room and down the hall toward the kitchen where my parents, Ryder, and baby sister were eating breakfast

"Morning, hijo" Mom greeted when she spotted me

"Morning mami" I replied sitting beside Ryder

"How was school yesterday, son? We didn't see you during dinner." Dad said and I swallowed the food in my mouth and shrugged

"It was good and sorry I wasn't at dinner. I was tired and just wanted to get some sleep." I lied, well most of it was true. I looked over at Ryder to see him giving me a look that I knew all too well.

'I know what happened yesterday' his look said and I sighed looking down at my half-eating food.

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded so we bid our parents a good day before we left the house. My backpack and skateboard are in the trunk along with Ryder's gym bag and backpack for college.

"Why did you hide it, Alex?" Ryder asked after a couple of minutes of silence making me sigh

"Because I know what Andrew, Matt, Casey and you would do to them" I stated simply and Ryder rolled his eyes

"I'm not a child abuser Alex. But I can't speak about the other three. And the only reason why we do what we do and what the guys do is that you're younger than us Alex. We care about your well-being," He stated making me slump in my seat, "Just know that we just want you to be safe."

"I know and I understand that but it doesn't change anything does it?" I asked

"I'll talk to the guys so they can let up a little okay?" He murmured reaching over to ruffle my hair making me glare at him

"You've tried it already Rye. They won't let it go no matter how many times you tell them to. It's annoying as hell." I grumbled. He was about to retaliate but closed his mouth seeing as we arrived at my school, one I sadly share with my three brothers. Ryder had graduated high school a year prior. This year Matt was graduating along with Casey as they were twins. Next year was Andrew since he's a Junior. I have three years to go which sucks because I'll be sharing the school with my bullies but at the same time, it was awesome since I won't be sharing a school with my brothers anymore.

Ryder parked the car by the doors where I spotted my brothers and friends talking and laughing at god knows what. Matt and Casey were the first to spot us as I got out of the car.

"I'll talk to them after school, I promise," Ryder said and I nodded before waving bye after I grabbed my things from the trunk.

I made my way towards my brothers and friends and smiled upon seeing Vanna and Matt, his long-term girlfriend cuddled up to each other in their world. Casey and Allie, his girlfriend of two years were arguing from the looks of it and I raised a brow but ignored it. They always fought over something.

I sighed and leaned against the railing beside Andrew and waited for the bell to ring.

"Watch out!" I heard someone yell and before anyone could figure out what was happening, I was surrounded by my brothers and friends, all looking worried as hell including a boy I'd seen a few times.

"Shit, are you alright?" the boy asked and I nodded before wincing when my head began throbbing and my vision became blurry.

"Are you sure? Fuck, I'm sorry that happened" he apologized and I mumbled a 'that's okay as Casey helped me back up.

"Are you sure you're alright? I was meant to catch that," the kid said.

"I'm okay, just a small headache that will go away soon," I muttered and he nodded.

"Sorry again, see you are around" he mumbled before running back to where Mitch and the rest of the football team were. I felt a shiver of fear travel threw me at the smirk that covered his features.

The bell sounded shortly after meaning my hell was about to begin.

an so I've decided to rewrite the book as there are many confusing factors and decided to also change some names....let me know what you think of this new version by leaving a vote/fan and your comments.



It All Happened With A Football (NEW VERSION) Completed ✅ Where stories live. Discover now