19. Riley

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The days following Alex's release from the hospital were busy. Since I was back in school during the time he was in coma I was able to gather everything that he needed to be able to catch up on his studies as he had done for me while I was in the hospital. Some of his classmates had even given me their class notes. It was actually remarkable how many people were happy that Alex was out of the hospital and back to home recovering. Four months without his loud laughter that echoes through the halls was something that everyone had grown used to and missed.

"When is Alex coming back?" Amy, a girl from his English class asked as she handed me a packet that they needed to study for finals.

"The Doctor said he'll be back Wednesday. He was told to rest for a few days" I answered her before thanking her for the packet.

"That's great, the class and I got him a card would it be possible if you gave it to him?" She asked as she took out an envelope from her backpack before handing it over

"Sure" I replied and out it away with the rest of the get well cards everyone had signed through of the day. She smiled before wishing me a good and waking away. I sighed and looked at the pile of papers that will make Alex whine endlessly. As much as he liked school he wasn't very fond of the idea of having to do homework let alone study.

I walked out of the school building and to my car since I didn't really have to be in since I finished my last exam for the day. I sighed turning the car on before pulling out of the parking lot.

No one knows how hard it is to walk those halls without the one person who makes going to school worth it. I miss having Alex under my arm as we make our way to my locker. I missed hearing his jokes even if they were terrible. I missed watching him as he talked animatedly with our friends and siblings. But knowing that he was safe and out of the woods and back home was better than anything.

Shaking my head out of my thoughts, I pulled onto his street and drove a few more minutes before pulling up onto his driveway. I parked the car beside Ryder's and got out once I shut the engine and grabbed his packets from the passenger seat. Once the doors were locked, I walked up the paved driveway towards the front door and rang the bell. I waited for a few seconds before it was opened by Kennedy? What the hell was he doing here?

"What are you dong here?" I asked and he raised a brow and before he could reply o heard another voice asking who it was and to my surprise it was Brian's voice as he was soon joining us.

"Hey, you came to see Alex?" He asked and I nodded holding up the folder filled with packets for Alex to study and he nodded moving aside to let me in

"He's in his room, you know where it is" Brian said and I nodded looking between my brother and Alex's and Brian smirked

"What's going on? Why are you here? I thought you would be joke spending what little time you had with mom and dad and the girls" I said and Kenny nodded

"I should but they told me to have fun and enjoy my time while I can" he answers looking at Brian with a

"And how does Brian fit into it all? Last I checked he was do to go back soon as well" I said and I saw Brian roll eyes eyes

"By all means talk about me as if I wasn't present" he stated sarcastically

"Sorry, but I'm confused. Like really confused" I said and just then Alex walked in

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