18. Alex

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Kennedy ^

"Ready to go?" I looked up at the sound of Riley's voice and nodded with a smiled zipping up my bag. I was finally discharged after being here for three weeks after waking up from my coma.

"Yeah, I just need to grab my toothbrush and toothpaste from the bathroom and then we can go" I said and he nodded before walking to the bathroom and returning a second later with the items I mentioned and I smiled taking it from him when he handed it to me.

"Thank you, now I'm ready to go" I said and he shield leaning down and grabbing my duffle bag for me before lacing our fingers together and leading me out of the room. His mom had stopped by a few minutes ago to check everything. My parents and brothers had things to do so they couldn't come get me which I found strange since Ryder had said that he'd be here to pick me up but I don't mind. I get to spend more time with Riley.

"Do you know why my parents or brothers for that matter closing come get me?" I asked but he shook his head

"I asked them the same thing but they didn't say. My mom even told me to not go home after I pick you" he replied and I furrowed my brows. What the hell?

"Why would she ask that?" I asked thanking him as he held the car door open for me, I didn't even realize we had left the hospital until now

"Beats me. She did give me an address though and said to go there instead" he replied once he climbed in himself after putting my duffle bag in the trunk and I nodded. Once we were both buckled in, Riley pulled out of the parking lot and I closed my eyes as I felt my heart begin to hammer in my chest. Fuck. I could feel my theist clogging as fear erupted through my body.

"Alex? Hey, shh, you're okay" Riley's voice said as his hands cupped my face and I opened my eyes to find us parked on the side of the road. Tears welled up in my eyes as I launched myself at him and broke down

"Shh, I've got you. You're okay" he murmured as his arms wrapped around me and rubbed my back to calm me down.

"Sorry" I murmured but he only shook his head and held me closer kissing the top of my head as my breathing slowed and I had control of my emotions.

"Don't be. You have every right to be afraid. You've never been in a traumatic incident as this before" he said wiping the tears away

"But I was. Back in October when you were shot" I said with a sniffle and he just smiled

"Yes but that's not the same as this. He was a psycho shooting everyone and anyone that crossed him unlike Justin. He was the cause of the accident. He didn't want to hurt anyone but you. He wanted to kill you just because he was jealous of us being together. He knew exactly who he wanted to harm and didn't give a fuck about the consequence" he said wiping the tears away and I bit my bottom lip as it began quivering

"I don't want to be afraid, Riley. I don't want to be this way. I don't want to get like this every time I get in a car" I whimpered

"I know baby, we'll get through this together. Okay? We're in this together" he murmured and I nodded swallowing the lump in my throat,"Why don't you rest. I'll wake you when we get to your place"

"Kay" I murmured moving back so I could sit back and Riley leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on my lips before sitting back making me smile. I laid on my side with the belt in place and grabbed his hand and laced our fingers while he got back on the road. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over.


"Alex? Baby, wake up" a voice called while they shook me and I groaned moving away from the hand and the person chuckled,"Come on love, were here"

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