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Have Tom and Y/N split indefinitely?

Rising star Tom Holland, who recently starred in Marvel's Spider-Man Homecoming, as the legendary Peter Parker himself was spotted by himself yet again.

Currently doing his press tour ALONE without his fiance, Y/N Sprouse by his side.

Y/N earlier this month was working out a scandal between her biological parents and ex beau, Justin Bieber.

Earlier claims were made that Y/N was mortified and forced to give every cent of her money to her birth parents, but as evidence proves they were not actively part of Y/N's life and showed a lack of interest before her rise to fame.

It was then later discovered that her biological parents were found hacking into the adoption systems to be able to communicate and find all of the actresses personal information.

Y/N Sprouse manager was able to say a few words, "they had no interest in Y/N. They saw her on a trailer perhaps or passed an episode in which she played a role on tv. Everything they did after was simply for fame and money. They stalked and harassed this young woman in hopes that she would be manipulated into welcoming them into her life".

Much of the online fans and harrassers apologized, but Y/N simply forgave and forget.

Meanwhile the young couple haven't been spotted for nearly two months and Y/ N has disclosed herself from any social media contact, while Tom is posting pictures from his extravagant trip.

All in all we hope the couple the best and that they are only taking a break from each other.

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