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June 2017 (almost five months later)

Hazosterfield Happy 21st birthday mate, thanks for always being my side and making our dreams possible

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Hazosterfield Happy 21st birthday mate, thanks for always being my side and making our dreams possible. Couldn't have asked for a better friend. Thank god you picked a girl I can tolerate and make fun of you with.

Tagged TomHolland2013
702,023 Likes | 22,033 Comments

Tagged TomHolland2013702,023 Likes | 22,033 Comments

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ColeSprouse Happy Birthday Tim.. or Tony idk I forgot. Take care of my sister for me.

Tagged TomHolland2013
1,022,039 Likes | 56,034 Comments

LiliReinhart You make my best friend happy and I want to thank you

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LiliReinhart You make my best friend happy and I want to thank you. Thank you and happy birthday

Tagged TomHolland2013
802,023 Likes | 21,023 Comments

Zendaya Here's what Tom looks like when he's talking about Y/NSprouse I hope she continues to make you happy especially on your birthday

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Zendaya Here's what Tom looks like when he's talking about Y/NSprouse I hope she continues to make you happy especially on your birthday.

Tagged TomHolland2013
1,203,029 Likes | 14,023 Comments

Y/NSprouse A lot of people ask me, how did you know you were in love with Tom? I don't usually fall for looks

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Y/NSprouse A lot of people ask me, how did you know you were in love with Tom? I don't usually fall for looks. But I did with him. I ended up falling first for his big eyes and his adorable laughter to that smile right down to his roses cheeks and little nose and brown hair that makes his face glow. But I couldn't help, but also fall for the way "I love you" passed his lips and the way he'd swear under his breath when he couldn't quite pronounce a word right (quackson), the way he walks, and the way he'll dance in the kitchen as I cook. (Or attempt to at least) I fell for the way he loves and appreciates his fans, and the fact that without them, he couldn't possibly be doing what he loves everyday. I fell for his looks, but I also fell for him.

Tagged TomHolland2013
1,402,234 Likes | 20,923 Comments

Spiderboy I did not know how much I needed this till now

Marvelxd I wasn't ready for this

Sebstan My fangirl heart can't take it

ColeSprouse Ahh, now my Instagram posts makes me feel like a dick

DylanSprouse How am I supposed to beat that?

ColeSprouse Please don't elope

TomHolland2013 I love you babygirl

DylanSprouse So this is the man who's marrying my sister

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DylanSprouse So this is the man who's marrying my sister... he's got balls I'll give him that. Happy birthday Tom

Tagged TomHolland2013
802,934 Likes | 9,023 Comments

ColeSprouse Why is this a thing

CamilaMendes This beats Y/N's post and caption

Y/NSprouse I have to agree with CamilaMendes

KjApa What an icon

LiliReinhart What a woman

AnthonyMackie K guess we're just ruining the internet for me at this point #happybdayTom

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