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TomHolland2013 She came to visit me and watch the new episode of Riverdale

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TomHolland2013 She came to visit me and watch the new episode of Riverdale.

Tagged Y/NSprouse
158,495 Likes | 7,294 Comments

Zendaya Okay but I was there to smh tag me

Y/NSprouse Actually you were in the bathroom... Zendaya

Hazostefield K but you guys have no excuse cause I was there!!!

LiliReinhart Third wheeling at its finest?

Zendaya You know it babe! LiliReinhart

Username OMG I ship

AnthonyMackie Y/N + Tom = [Ship Name]

CamilaMendes #Shipname

RobertDowneyJr #Shipname

ChrisEvans I really shouldn't be condoning this but... #Shipname

Imsebastianstan #Shipname

Username I want to be part of this cast

Y/NSprouse You really don't Username

ColeSprouse What is #Shipname

Y/N.Tom Oh shit you have some explaining to do.....

TomHolland2013 and people wonder why Y/N can't hang out alone

AnthonyMackie You two alone? Wherever it is the desert even, somethings on fire

ImSebastianStan I'm here, I heard someone questioning whether or not Tom and Y/N can adult

Username Can they?

Y/NSprouse answer it I dare you ImSebastianStan

ImSebastianStan No comment

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