· exclusive Interview ·

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Phone Interview

INTERVIEWER: Today we met up with the directors of Infinity Wars, Anthony and Joe Russo along with the recently announced character, Audrey Stark played by Y/N Sprouse. With us the three explained the role Audrey plays with each member the Avengers team.

Joe Russo: Although no one's suspected a surprise cameo from Audrey she's equally important as any of the major roles.

Anthony Russo: Of course she's been seen here and there in the current series Agents of Shield and many seem to miss her cameo in Captain America The Winter Soldier

INTERVIEWER: Who is Audrey? Are we allowed to know that much?

Y/N Sprouse: Of course yeah, Audrey is the daughter of Tony Stark from one of his many "conquest". Of course he knows of her, but as we know Tony tends to push away the people he loves. Audrey happens to be one of them, and she knows that her father loves her, but she also knows her father thinks she incapable of handling tough situations

Joe Russo: Which is the exact opposite. Audrey is brilliant, taking after the Stark name she's headstrong, but her greatest weakness is independence. She's always had someone to guide her and hold her hand. That's why gluing the Avengers back together is so important to her

INTERVIEWER: So... she's the sort of peacekeeper?"

Anthony Russo: Oh yeah definitely, and the scavengers are genuinely surprised as this 16 year old girl shows them the importance of family. Audrey is what we hope to be a new leader. She learns from her mistakes and helps others learn from theirs

INTERVIEWER: Everyone wants to know the big question... Will Audrey take part as a love interest

Y/N Sprouse: Um... that one can't be disclosed, but I can say that Audrey is there to stay for Part two, and no doubt make a cameo in Black Widow and Captain Marvel. No doubt that you'll see a lot of chemistry between her the other characters. Maybe platonic and romantic.

Anthony Russo: Unfortunately that's all the questions we can answer.

INTERVIEWER: Thank you so much for taking such a short time to answer our questions!

Joe Russo: It's not a problem!

INTERVIEWER: Do you guys have any parting words?

Y/N Sprouse: Just thank you so much for continuing to enjoy the Marvel franchise and we can't wait for you guys to see the surprises we have in store for you!

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