· Interview ·

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"Today we have a surprise guest appearance." Jimmy Kimmel gave a somewhat secretive smirk to the camera. "Now she just got back from a very eventful vacation." At this point the crowd is going mad already, already guessed my arrival. "She called me about three days ago, and you guys know I'm a sucker for Marvel and drama. So please welcome Y/N Sprouse!" The crowd goes wild as I step out, my palms are sweaty and I'm a bit wobbly on my heels.

Jimmy is quick to notice and helps to guide me to the sofa. "Hi! It's finally so nice to meet you, you've been blowing up my Instagram feed recently." The crowd chuckles and I follow along.

"I wish I could say the same for me, but yeah I'm definitely excited to be here in the presence of you."

"Big fan aye?"

"I grew up to you, and don't you worry Matt's got nothing on you." I wink and he laughs.

"Welp there goes any future movie contracts with him."

"Eh, I'm sure someone will make a female version of Jason Bourne and I'll be there auditioning to take his place."

"Oh good! I'll get a good word in, then we can get you in here again, cause we have so much to talk about and I'm sure we won't have enough time today." The crowd cheers again and Lili whistles from the crowd. "Your friends are out her tonight right?"

"Oh yeah, Lili, Harrison and Tom."

"Oh well Tom's not really a friend....."

I chuckle and shake my head, "no he is not."

"Well why don't we bring them down here, cause honey you are shaking like a leaf." I giggle and nod my head.

"It's my first time in front of a crowd and not to mention I'm meeting you and Guillermo tonight!"

"Ah yes Guillermo is here too, Guillermo can you help us out and bring her friends down?" The crowd cheers again and Tom, Lili, and Harrison all stand up. I stand up as well and just as Tom comes down the stairs I open my arms and he lifts me into his arms. The crowd awes in return and without missing a beat he puts me back down with a soft kiss. The crowd go's absolutely wild and I laugh and smack his arm.

"Romantic bastard." I roll my eyes and turn to Lili and Haz as I hug them both. They each get a handshake from Jimmy just as we all sit down Lili and Tom squeeze me between them and Tom takes my hand in his for reassurance and to calm me down.

"All right I'm guessing we should start with the good, then the ugly, and end with a surprise?"

"Sure! I mean it's going to be a lot to take in for everyone." I nod my head and allow him to continue.

"First you wanted to confirm that you were single before the trip."

"Yes, of course. I've never really gotten with anyone serious enough to slap a label over it."

"Except now obviously with Tom right?"

"Yes, definitely everything with Tom is real and authentic."

"We can confirm that!" Lili cuts in and I giggle and squeeze her hand.

"You two have been friends for fourteen years right? And did you really meet when you went to stay in London?"

"Yeah we did! And Tom became my home away from home... but the feelings they were there from the start." The crowd awes and Tom pulls me into another hug.

"And the whole Greece thing made it a reality yes?"

"It was more than just Greece, and I'm sure we all knew about it." Harrison adds. "The two have been each other's shoulder, and they've been blind all these years, but we all saw it."

"It was easy to spot, with the small glances and secret smiles." Lili looks to me and shakes her head. "But it was also very frustrating cause as we all learned from romantic comedies you can't force love on someone."

Jimmy nods in agreement, "must've been hard for you guys not to lock them in a room together huh?"

"Who says we didn't?"

Jimmy chuckles and takes a sip from his mug. "Guys we wanna know though, what went down in Greece."

"Everything!" Tom laughs. "It was just the right place to be at the right time and I had my best friends and the best girl right there and really all that had to happen was to convince her to be MY best girl." The crowd yet again coos and cheers from Tom's response and I smile and pat his cheeks.

"Tom's a bit of a romantic."

"When we're done, can you help me out bud?" Jimmy whisper/shouts.

"Sure, but let me tell you it was hard! The dinner was prepared obviously with the help of the gang, but everything else was up to me and no matter how many times you practice a speech in front of a mirror it never works out that way. The butterflies felt like nukes and God she was so beautiful that night, not that she isn't beautiful every other night Jimmy. But the moment before she became mine it was surreal." He brings my hand up to his mouth and gives it a firm kiss.

"And what about you Y/N." It takes me a couple of seconds to respond as I'm distracted and deeply staring into Tom's eyes. "Y/N."

"Oh! Right yeah. Sorry what was the question?"

"What was it like for you?"

"The feelings are indescribable, mostly because it was more than just this night we got together. As much as everyone sees it as just that, Tom is so much more than anyone can see. And I'm not going to sweep you in with how perfect Tom is which I'll admit in my eyes he's exactly that. But you just need to know that he might not be as important to everyone else, likewise, neither is every little thing about him, but to me, he's my everything. He is everything." Everyone is quiet and Jimmy smiles widely.

"That was perfect, I don't even want to bring up the bad stuff!" He pretends to wipe his tears away and Tom leans his head against me to whisper a quick, "I love you". I respond immediately after, running my fingers over his hair.

"Everyone needs there answers Jimmy so I guess we'll just start with the obvious here. Justin and I are not together and were never at all together. Sure their may have been mutual attractions in the past, but something happened along the way and the bump in the road couldn't be fixed. I have no idea why he would post such a thing, and it'll stay that way. I have no interest what so ever to indulge in whatever game he plans to play." The crowd cheers and the clapping is loud with the audience support.

"Thank you for clearing that up! Do not worry I did not doubt [shipname] not even a little bit." Jimmy dismisses. "I believe in you and Tom, and God if this doesn't last a whole lifetime.

"Trust me on that it will, Tom and I are here to stay. Fifty years from now you can ask me how his laugh sounded; I could explain in detail. The way his smile looked. The way his eyes lit up. It's contagious. Every moment of it."

"She is stuck with me, and no matter how much I infuriate her I hope she'll keep coming back to me." I laugh just as he lifts my left hand where he had secretly slipped back a  shining diamond ring glistening at the crowd just as they gasp.

"No doubt, I'm always here."

"Damn Greece was good to you."



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