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I need to pick my things up

I asked you to do this month's ago
Now you are going to have to wait

Aren't you going to ask me why?

No, that would require taking up with a conversation with you
No thanks

Y/N I said I was sorry

Justin just not now okay?

Now is perfect

Justin we were
never even a thing
Please don't explain yourself to me

But I love you
And I still do

Justin stop
I'm in love with Tom

No, I know you Y/N
I know you love me too

. . .

I groaned loudly and threw myself down onto the bed.

"Babe?" Tom stepped out of the bathroom, toothbrush halfway in his mouth and tiny specks of toothpaste on his chin. "What's up with you?"

"Justin fucking Bieber." I cross my arms over my chest and pout. "As soon as I'm happy, the lil bitch comes around and pokes at it." I toss him my phone and turn over on my stomach. "Check Instagram"

"Hmmm I like the nice touch on sassy." He chuckles and continues to brush his teeth with one hand and holds my phone on the other.


"I thought you might, but also why the I love you?" I sit up and take the phone back. "We were never a thing!"

Tom makes his way towards the bathroom to rinse. "Almost a thing. That still counts for something."

"Thomas I know you aren't sticking up for him right now." He pokes his head out again. "Babe almost is weird you know? You almost fell in love, he almost made you happy, and if that one thing didn't happen you almost would have made it."

He comes out of the bathroom again and jumps on the bed beside me. "We almost had an almost." He murmurs. I smile and crawl over him laying my head on his chest, and I can hear the soft thump of his heart beats.

"Does it scare you?" I ask? "The fact that, if you hadn't manned up someone could be here right now in your place or in my place."

"To lose this chance of happiness, yeah at first." Tom bends his neck downwards and play's with my hair. "But I'm here now, and God I'm so happy and foolishly in love."

"I'm foolishly in love with you Thomas. Me and you."

"Yeah, me and you."

Up All Night ·Tom Holland X Reader·Where stories live. Discover now