· In the Now ·

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It was their third night in Greece and it was turning out better than Tom had expected.

Y/N was immensely happy, she hadn't been able to spend quality time with her brothers lately due to filming and Dylan opening his new hobby. Because she was no longer part of the Riverdale cast, she felt the thread between them slowly fraying. She desperately needed this trip.

Greece had really been godsend. "Tom?" Lili appeared from around the place they were staying. "She's almost ready how do you want to do this?"

Tom stood frozen, this was it. Cole and Dylan approved he was going to confess his feelings to Y/N.

"Cole?" Camila appeared now with Zendaya in tow. It was clear that the three could sense his nervousness. "Dude tonight's going to be perfect you have nothing to worry about."

"Well that is if you don't hurt her." Harrison points out. Jeezus where was everybody appearing from?

"Yeah, I uh- I got this. Right?" He played with his collar and coughed.

Zendaya smiled and gave his shoulder a reassuring pat. "I'm gonna tell you right now... we are sick and tired of watching the two of you pine over each other! Go tell her you love her! Tell her how you feel about her before it's too late. You might think you have forever with her, but you're wrong. Wait any longer, I swear Tom she'll slip right through your fingers."

Everyone looked to Zendaya shocked from her outburst. "Are you okay Zen?" Harrison made an attempt to reach his hand out as a comfort and Zendaya backed up.

"No, I'm not okay. I'm so emotional right now. I JUST SHIP IT SO HARD. Don't touch me."

The group that was there had started to clap and smile... and the next second they turned to Tom. "Don't Fuck this up Tom-" Lili started

"She's coming!" Camila shouts/whisper frantically and the others make their way out.

"Tom?" Y/N appears this time, her loose black dress slowly flowing with the wind. "Tom-" her words cut off as she gasped and smiled at the beautifully arranged table, mason jars with little lamps hooked above it illuminating the small place set for dinner. "What's this?"

"It's for you, would you like to have dinner with me tonight Y/N?" Tom asked hesitantly.

· · · YOUR POV · · ·

I smiled and nod my head. "Where are the others?."

"They're taken care of, a bottomless order of pizza should keep them entertained for a couple of hours."

"Lets count on it." Tom smiles nervously and pulls out a chair gesturing for me to sit and I does exactly that.

"Tom, you guys have made this the best birthday-"

"I love you." He blurted out instantly and by some miracle it looked like a thousand pounds were lifted from his shoulders that very second. The next thing I knew, words fell and it was like a dam had broke and 14 years of unspoken words were finally being said.  "And I know that we're young, and I'm just this little boy falling in love with his best friend, but I swear to god I've loved you more than I will love anyone. Everything feels different. And I know that I can't love anyone more than I love you and that's the worst part, because if I would have loved anyone else, I wouldn't have given them all of my heart, in fact any of it!"

"W-what?" I sat up, mouth agaped and eyes wide. "Tom-"

"It's just always been there you know? And oh god I'm not good at this. I'm a messy person, half the time I don't make sense and I know I frustrate you a lot. But I do adore you-"

"Tom!" I giggle and clasp my hand over his mouth to stop his nervous babbling. "Tom it's okay. I've always loved you too Tommy. And from moment I met you I knew. I knew that you weren't just this reminder of home my family intended for you to be, you ended up to be so much more. And God where you trouble, weird and absolutely infuriating. You made me do things I haven't done, made me see things differently, and make me feel. That I was going to love you against reason, but that's what's so great about us. I never have to regret meeting you."

"Tell me, tell me when you fell in love with me." Tom smiles and took both my hands in his.

I giggle and allow him to wipe my happy tears away. "I knew I love you when I couldn't go on an hour without thinking about how much I missed you. Those were the first clue, but then you started traveling and I would wake up and check my phone hoping for a message from you. There was always one Tom. Then you wanted me to follow you on this crazy adventure, and I thought you were nuts. And I'm scared too, I'm scared of falling in love and you've always known that."

"We've crazy you know that?" He chuckles and stands to pull me into his arms. "14 years." My arms wrap around his waist and lean my head against his chest.

"Do you think we could've been married and had kids by now?"

"No way, Cole wouldn't have allowed it." I giggle and pull away. "Unless we name of the kids after him."

"Thats true, he did mention it today too."

"You got his approval?"

"Actually I got both of theirs, and Cole wasn't the least bit surprised."

"What did Dylan say?"

"Surprisingly he was the one to threaten me. Said if I hurt you I was going to be thrown into a pull of sharks."

"Hmmm, well they've got the money."


Going to sleep now

Going to sleep now

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