Always Gonna Come Right Back to This

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This one's an idea jerriebitchesss gave me over on tumblr :)


Perrie smirked as she walked down the school hallway, the students lingering about staring at her in awe or quickly scurrying off in another direction when they saw her. She had a reputation, and everybody knew what she was capable of.

The blonde turned the corner and saw a group of three girls huddled together, gawking over something on one of their phones. They looked up at the sound of Perrie’s heavy boots stomping along the hard floor, their eyes widening as they saw her. They were Jade’s top bullies. Or, well, they were. Until Perrie stepped in.

She grinned, baring her teeth, and winked at the girls, who paled and nearly ran away, Perrie’s loud laughter ringing behind them. The girls all had at least a mark that hadn’t faded yet, curtesy of Perrie teaching them not to fuck with her girl. It even looked like one of their eyebrow’s would scar. The thought made Perrie warm inside.

Finally, she came across the classroom she was looking for, opening the door without so much as a knock. All eyes snapped to her as she stood in the doorway.

"Can I help you?" The teacher asked, but Perrie just ignored him as she scanned the students faces for Jade’s.

It didn’t take her long to find the brunette; third seat from the window in the first row, pen posed in mid-air as she was in the middle of furiously scribbling down notes of everything her teacher was saying before Perrie interrupted, her thick black glasses having slid down her nose.

Perrie grinned at her, nodding with her head behind her, the movement saying 'let's go'.

Jade was used to this, the older girl randomly showing up at her school and pulling her out of class whenever she felt like it. Hell, the whole school was used to it, teachers and students alike.

The teachers eyes followed Perrie’s gaze to Jade. “Ms Thirlwall, do you know this girl?”

So this must be the new teacher Jade was telling her about. Oh well, he’d learn soon enough.

Jade blushed bright red as all eyes landed on her. “I-erm, yes, sir.”

"And what is she doing here in the middle of my class?"

Perrie turned her attention away from Jade, her eyes narrowing at the middle aged man, not liking his tone one bit. “Oi, wanker.” His head turned to Perrie. “Don’t you fucking dare talk to her like that.”

"I am her teacher, I have every right to-"

The blonde stepped forward with a low growl. “Just because you’re her teacher doesn’t give you the right to talk to her like that. So don’t, unless you want your chair shoved so far up your as-“

Perrie,” Jade hissed, cheeks flushing an even deeper shade of red.

Perrie turned back to Jade, her features softening the slightest bit. “Let’s go, Jade.”

The teacher made a sqawking sound. “You can’t just pull her out in the middle of class!”

"I can do whatever the fuck I want."

When he opened his mouth to argue further, Perrie took a step forward menacingly.

"Unless you want me to make good on that promise of you becoming so closely acquainted with your chair, I’d suggest shutting up."

He quickly snapped his mouth shut, something telling him the blonde wouldn’t hesitate to do just as she’d threatened.

Perrie grinned at him smugly. “Good. Now, c’mon, babe.”

Jerrie Thirlwards OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now