Chapter 15: King X Diane (TO BE CONTINUED...)

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Again, this chapter will tackle another part of history but only in King's side. We're done with the Melizabeth tragic back story.

Starting here will be a very confusing chapter but bear with me. It will get better. Just slowly read it and enjoy the twists and turns.

To be honest, I don't know how to write how the explanation goes but I'm trying my best.

Still, no religion will be mentioned.Everything written is a fictional creation story.

I hope you enjoy it!

Part 2

Diane's POV

Me? The first woman created by Goddess Elizabeth? It can't be true right? "Me......."
"I'm not lying Diane. It's the truth." I felt like all the energy in my body got drained. King helped me settle down at a nearby log. My hair was out of place due to my constant touching to think.
" that possible?"
"Anything is possible at the hands of the gods." King confirmed. Okay, the dead gods rule everything."With the establishment of Purgatory and the system of judgement, The Supreme Goddess and the Demon Emperor somehow regretted killing their offspring. Even mighty beings can sin. In honor of their death, the two Mighty Gods continued the mission of their child. The Supreme accepted all the good souls to heaven while The Demon Emperor devoured the evil souls."

I didn't listen further into King's additional information. My head is still stuck at the fact that my ancestor was the first female born. "King, I don't get it. If my ancestor was the first Queen, its a coincidence that her descendant turned to be a Queen too..." I started laughing nervously.Looking at King, he wasn't laughing like me. He had a sad expression plastered on his face.

"It's not a coincidence, Diane. It's destiny...fate....whatever you call it but the sad truth, the very reason why I had to lie to you Diane, is're a REINCARNATION of the first Queen."

The cold wind blew past my face. A bit of dramatic but it expresses my feeling right now. Shocked."Reincarnation......" I let out a breath. " it so easy to believe in?" I whispered.
"Because the evidence is all around you. You are not dreaming, Diane. This is not your imagination. What you see now..all of this is real."Normally, a person who preaches this stuff to the world goes straight to the mental asylum.

"WHATEVER IS PRESENT UP THERE IS DEAD DOWN HERE and vice versa." King mumbled. He looked away from me. I couldn't see his facial expression but I heard sobbing.
"King...please..." he turned around for me. I could seethe pain and suffering in his eyes. "You know why I lied to you,Diane?" t, formed by his deadly magic, I can only die once and that was after our first life together. You were born by Elizabeth's holy magic. The Queen, the most powerful yet vulnerable person in the world can die in Purgatory. Every time you die, I feel like I want to die too. I have to wait around 100 years for you to come back to me.It's so lonely without your soulmate for hundreds of years." he got closer to me and put both of his hands on my shoulder, gripping it tight.

"I lied because I love you,Diane." He yelled out straight to my face. As if on cue, a memory flashed through my mind, It was a woman who looked like me but with a different version of me. The memory was of me and King holding hands. Then that memory disappeared. What was that? Was I seeing glimpses of my past self? "Our love is strong. Our love is what keeps me going. Seeing you again is my fuel. Loving you is my desire.Ruling with you is our mission." I'm starting to feel awful.There I was yelling at him for being a liar but after hearing some of his reasons, how selfish am I?

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