Chapter 2: Ban X Elaine

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Normal POV

2 months later.....

Ban and Elaine have been spending the whole two months together. Every time Ban has free time, he always goes up to the clock room without anyone noticing him. He would spend a lot of time with Elaine either talking or just sleeping up there. The two agreed that this was their safe haven. The two got to know each other. Their likes and dislikes and everything worth mentioning. Ban felt that he can trust Elaine. So he told her some of his secrets. Ban is somewhat a bad influence on Elaine. When she said to teach him how to make her life exciting, she didn't mean alcohol would be part of it.

"I...this is..all your fault...B..Ban *hiccup*" Elaine was tipsy. She roamed around the place drunk.

"I..I told you that this was fun. S..see? You're enjoying *hiccup* it too." Ban could see Elaine crying because of the alcohol.

"I've never..felt like the first time..I've ever*hiccup*" she tried beating Ban using her fists. Elaine didn't stand a chance so she gave up and payed on the wooden floor restless.

Soon, Ban joined her. He laid himself next to her as he continued to sip on the beer bottle.

"H..hey Elaine." Ban didn't get an answer. Elaine was fast asleep next to him. He didn't feel like waking her up anymore. Is it because he wants to or is it just the alcohol?..because Ban couldn't help but place a sweet kiss on Elaine's cheek. "Sweet dreams.."

Even on a weekend, Ban manages to make an excuse to go to school just to see Elaine. For some reason, Elaine doesn't want to be alone too. She hates being alone in that clock tower all by herself. Her only friends were the dust bunnies and the spiders. It makes her happy Ban would even visit her on a weekend. Elaine's heart would skip a beat every time Ban is around.

Ban even told her about his Father. You see, Ban turned greedy all because Zhivago focuses his attention on his real son. Ban is adopted. He was happy that somebody adopted him but still feel sad because he feels as though Zhivago doesn't care.

"Don't get me wrong, I love my step-brother and he's a good guy too. I wish I could say the same for Dad. That's why I always get into lots of trouble. I just want him to focus on me once in a while. I want to spend time with him whether be angry or not..even he yells at me! I didn't care.I just don't like being alone anymore." Ban hugged his feet. No one has ever seen his vulnerable side except Elaine.

She watched as Ban frowned at every sad memory. Involuntarily, Elaine went behind Ban and hugged him.

"You don't have to be alone anymore. I'm here......." Her words soothed Ban. It was the first time that he felt comfort. He didn't mind. He just let wrap her arms around him. Elaine was warm. He felt at home with her.

"What about you? I've known you for two months know. I know what you like and dislike....but I never knew beyond that. Tell me more about yourself.....Elaine." Ban could feel Elaine stiffen.

"Maybe some other time. I don't want to spoil this moment." Elaine reasoned. Ban kinda agreed with her. He doesn't want this moment to end right now. His eyes was starring deep into Elaine's. It wasn't long before his body leaned closer. Elaine did the same thing too. They closed the gap seperating them. The greedy man and the treasure keeper shared their first kiss. Ban couldn't get enough of Elaine's lips on his. He proceeded to keep her in the same position with his hand pulling her head closer to his.

2 weeks later....

Ban's POV

The kiss that Elaine and I was magical. Everyday after that incident, I would go to her with a smile on my face. Can our friendship turn into something more? Deep down, I wanted Elaine. I will make her mine.


"Elaine, Halloween is coming soon. And I was wondering if you know......even if we are high schoolers now....." Elaine didn't look at me.

"would you like to go trick or treating?" that's stupid of course she doesn't want to. That's for kids. Smooth move Ban. Elaine still didn't answer. "if you don't like to....we can go on a date...still dressed as monsters....." I add. Still no response.

Recently, Elaine has been distancing herself from me. Whenever I come to her, Elaine makes an effort to not look at me. She ultimately fails seeing as though I'm a talker and I can piss her off in just seconds. Elaine tried so hard to not talk to me.

"Elaine, what's wrong?..why won't you..look at me?" I kept following her as she walks around the clock room avoiding my gaze.

"Ban..I just can't do this anymore..." she sobbed.

"what can you not do?" she was still silent. "tell me.....Elaine!" I yelled. Elaine still was playing hard to get.

"I have to keep the treasure safe, Ban." I know that's what she does.

"I already told you that I'm not gonna steal it."

"I know you won''s just that...."

"what Elaine? What are you keeping from me?..what does the treasure have to do with this date?!" I'm almost yelling but I made sure that my voice wasn't loud enough for anyone to hear from the outside.

"Ban, I can't leave this chamber. I promised her...." Elaine kept on sobbing.

"promised who Elaine?" she went back to not answering me.

"you're not going to tell me are you?" still no answer. "Fine then......."

Elaine's POV

Ban walked out oft he room without saying another word. I messed up real bad. But I can't control this situation. Me and Ban can't be together. It's better to break our ties now than to break it later. I love Ban...I admit it.

I love Ban.

And it hurts that my first priority is this treasure. I owe my life to HIM. and I promised HIM that I will guard the treasure till death. When the clock strikes midnight this Halloween night, everything will change for Ban. I can't affect his life anymore. I've already dragged him into my life.

It's all my fault. I just had to feel so lonely and keep him in here. Part of me wanted him gone the moment he entered this chamber and part of me felt happy that he came into my life. I'm happy...super happy but this happy ending is going to end with a twist in time.

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