Chapter 8: King X Diane

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Normal POV

The Fairy King's forest. A calm and serene place. A magical world where the good and the bad live in perfect sync. The fairies treat each other as family. The demons respect the fairy's jobs and the fairies abide to the demon's laws. Not one thing is out of place.............until now.

Diane woke up to the sound of a flute being played. She scanned her surroundings to see that this wasn't the riverbank anymore. The place wasn't hideous. Actually, its the opposite. This place was breath taking. This part looked like an enchanted garden inskde a bedroom. All these moss scattered everywhere brings out the beauty with these pink and white roses. The ferns outline the flowers. It goes well with the baby dandelions.

"" It was indeed a sight to be swooned over. Diane managed to stand up even with the heavy bridal gown weighing her down. "curse this wretched dress." she cussed. Something sharp caught her attention. That pointed rock was perfect. She took the sharp rock-like-knife and started tearing the bottom part of her gown till' the fabric reached above knee level. "thats more like it."

As she finished her customization, Diane tried to track down where the sound of the flute was coming from. Sunlight emitted from the holes on these wooden walls. Butterflies flew everywhere at every grass path she stepped on. Diane made a few twists and turns in this wooden tunnel until she arrived at an open field. The trees were tall and thick like it was meant to keep someone hidden. At the center of the small field was a giant mountain boulder. At the very top of the boulder was a person sitting while making a flute sound using only...

"a leaf?" that looks like it. As Diane got closer, she could clearly see that it was a child."Hey,kid!" the child didn't hear her. He was too busy playing the high pitch leaf flute. Diane was getting frustrated at his lack of response of her constant yelling. She took things into her own hands by climbing up this mountain of boulder.

"H..hey...kid...." She kept yelling at every step she takes farther up the mountain. He was getting closer so he might hear her yelling. " a leaf...much...ha...ha......louder than my yelling...." Diane muttered under her breath. Bad luck hit her as her foot slipped on an unbalanced rock. "Agh!" she fell backward. Diane thought that it was the end until something soft and fluffy caught her. She opened her eyes to see that it was a..... "pillow?"

The green pillow gently floated its way down. Diane was safe and sound on the ground. She knelt to calm herself. "What is this?"

"That is Spirit Spear Chastiefo...I call him 'Chaste' for short." a voice said behind her. The pillow floated its way to the source of the voice. "I'm glad you're okay." Diane turned around to see the kid floating an inch off the ground. "Good thing Chaste caught you in time..." the kid went near Diane and ruffled her hair gently. Daine slapped his hand away.
"Who are you?!" she stood up and backed away from the kid.
"Did you forget me already?" Diane thought about it properly. A memory of Helbram saying his name came to mind. "I think it was Har-----" in lightning speed, Diane's mouth was slapped shut by the kid. Her eyes widen in fear at his rough action. King hovered in the same level as Diane's height. His hold on her mouth was tight and looked forced.
"I prefer for you to call me KING. That's all." the kid now known as 'King' let go of his hand. His tone resembled a lot like Gloxinia's. Only difference was that he was not showing any signs of harming her.
"King...." Diane let out a breath. Just how strong is this fairy? "Why can't I say----"
"Shhhhh....don'" Diane had to play it safe.
"And your name is?"
"D....Diane...." she answered.
"Diane....a beautiful name....for a beautiful Queen." he smiled.

Diane's POV

I stood there watching this unknown fairy treats me as both a murder victim and a toy. I can't tell whether he is friend or foe. He did save me from the biggest wedding mistake of my life but at the same time, he is acting a lot like Gloxinia. Not a very good first impression.

"Look, I don't know if you'll understand but I really need to go back to where I came from. I am not from your world. This is all a big mistake. The whole 'wearing a wedding gown under the Hangman's tree' was just a joke for me to join the Sorority. I am here against my will. I do not want to be here. I've explained this multiple times in one day yet nobody believes me. So if you rescued me from my damnation just now, I'm expecting you help me find my way back home."

I let out a huff of frustration. These fairies just can't get the message into their tiny little brains. I watched King's expression. He was silent. His face wasn't showing any signs of disbelief.I watched him close his eyes for a moment. My eyes shifted to his fists that were clenching itself. Why though?

"I am way ahead of you, My Queen." says King after opening his eyes.
"I'm not a Queen." I retorted. I will never be that Queen. "And what do you mean?"
"Okay, DIANE." King quoted using his fingers. "What I mean is....I believe you. I see a young girl lost in the light even when the place is a safe haven. I see a girl who just wants to go home and forget all this ever happened. I see a girl who won't believe on what is given. I see a girl who would do anything to get what she wants." he explained.

Whatever he said totally defined me. "Am I right?" I simply nodded.
"Yeah.....g..good observation though." what he said was true but I felt insulted at the negativity he told me of myself.
"I can help you get back to the Living World." he started.
"Really?! You'll actually help me?!" my eyes sparkled in joy. Getting rescued by this rebel was the best miracle that ever happened.
"Only if you'll help me with a certain task." my smile faltered.
"I knew this was too good to be true. There is always a catch in these kinds of deals." I muttered again.
"Do not worry. The kind of task you will do will benefit both of us." King started floating away from me. I followed him to a small pond near the mountain of boulders.
"Exactly...what do you want me to do?" I hope whatever this task is...won't be difficult.

He raised his hand. Immediately, the water turned into tentacles rising to the surface. It warped into what seems to be a cup. King sure knows how to play 'modeling clay' with water. Sparkling liquid gushed out of the cup.
"What is that?"
" a representation...of the FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. The source of life in the Fairy King Forest. This magnificent fountain powers all living things in Purgatory...minus the fairies."

"So...what do you want me to do with it?....Steal it?"
"Heavens no." I watched King dispel his little magic trick. "I will tell you everything you need to know about me.....about you..... about everything...........and what you are about to do. But to be direct...........

I want YOUR BLOOD in the cup."

7DS Halloween Specials (BanXElaine & KingXDiane)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin