Chapter 11: King X Diane

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Normal POV

The shortcut to the tree dome wasn't a walk in the park. These caves may look pretty but the crystals growing out of them were deadly. "So beautiful..."
"And yet so dangerous. Do not get poked by any of them if you don't want to start hallucinating." King led the way with Diane trailing behind him.
"Is it me or is the cave getting smaller?" Diane noticed how the path was getting smaller. It's going to be a tight squeeze.
"Elaine equipped this dome to be fairy proff. She knows how to get trespassers out. Lucky for me, I was able to decode some of it's traps. Like right now..." just as he said it, Diane slipped. The ground below her crumbled showing off those pointy headed crystals growing. King was able to hold her in time as they floated.
"You could have warned me a little earlier!" Diane hanged on to him tight.
"I know. I guess I got too excited. We're this close to the dome so it slipped past my mind." King carried Diane out of the tight passage way. She clung to King like how Jane would fly on Peter Pan's back.

King thought that floating all the way the shrinking tunnel would be better than walking, so he did. Diane had to hold on to him tight. She buried her face into his back in case her face hits any growing crystals. In her strong grip, Diane inhaled the sweet scent of King. His scent was heavenly. It's like all of the forest's natural scents combined into one.

King tried to hard not to show how much Diane's touch was affecting him. His face was getting warmer. The blush he had was visible. It's been a long time since he had this close contact with a female. As corny as it sounds, King felt tingling sensation from Diane breathing on him.

The two had arrived at the entrance or more like outskirts of the dome. "This place looks creepy." says Diane. Judging by the wilted trees, pointy thorns sticking out, and spine tingling dark aura being emitted, Elaine was 100% serious in not letting anyone near the fountain of youth. "How do we get pass it?"
"We walk through." King said like it was nothing. He neared the pathway and automatically, the trees had a mind of their own by blocking his path. "Ladies first." he motioned.
"I am not getting impaled just by that gentleman trick." She glared.
"The forest only responds to the Queen. Elaine had this whole dome oriented. That's why you should go first. The tree won't hurt you, Diane." King smiled showing that everything is going to be alright.
"Okay." Diane nodded and proceeded to stand at front. She outstretched her hand. Automatically, the branches parted making a path for her.
"I'll follow behind you..." King floated right behind Diane as they walked to the pathway. Once they entered, Diane looked back seeing that the branches blocked the entrance again. "This way, no one can follow us. I doubt anyone can find us in this thick forest. Gloxinia can't harm us here."
Just as King finished his sentence, Diane froze. "K...King, what do I do? Someone is coming!" King was on high alert but after seeing the intruder, he lowered Chaste.
"There's no need to be afraid. It's just a Half Blood Angel."
"But..he can see us. He might even give away our position!" Diane stood frozen. The angel already saw them so there's no use in hiding.
"The Half Bloods have better things to think about than ruining our plan." He said. As the angel got closer, Diane noticed something off from him.

The soul was mixed. He had wings on his back but on the right was a devil wing and the left was an angel wing. The soul had lifeless eyes. He walked pass the guard trees. Those trees weren't even attacking him. The soul walked pass Diane and King. He didn't even bat an eye on their existence. "What was that?" Diane has never seen that soul before.
"Do you know about what happens to good souls and bad souls?"
"Helbram gave me a tour when I got here. Was what he said true? Along with growing angel wings to fly up to heaven?" Diane was making sure since Helbram too was brainwashed. Gloxinia could be feeding him false into and giving it to Diane for false hope.
"What Helbram explained is true. He told you the basics but didn't mention this part." King gestured to Diane to keep moving forward. "I'll explain on the way." the two continued walking.

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