He takes our measurements and has us fill out some sheets of paper. When all of the information is filled out, he tells us they'll be here in two to three days. We thank him and walk back outside.

"You guys wanna grab a snack? My treat," Ethan offers, pointing at the gas station next door.

"Nah, I got homework," I say with moderate politeness, even though I'm lying.

"C'mon Z-dog, never turn down free food!" Max exclaims.

I falter as I register the nickname my werewolf bud Cameron uses. Although it annoys me when Cameron calls me that, Max saying it brings a wave of familiarity that forces me to cave in.

"Alright, since it's free," I say, half smiling.

We spend the next thirty minutes leaned up against our cars eating ice cream and spicy Doritos. The best part was that I found Max a tad less annoying, and I didn't once feel like ripping Ethan's head off.


I'm stretched out on the couch watching my fourth show when my father finally comes home.

"Hi, dad," I say as he walks through the back door.

"Zyler. How was your day out?"

"Wasn't too bad, considering. Better than I thought it would be."

"That's good. I didn't find any wolves on my search, so I guess we both had a good day."

I sit up at the mention of wolves. "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Yes, of course. What is it?" he says, halting his path to the kitchen.

"Well, lately it's been really hard to control myself. I've never had so much trouble with shifting uncontrollably. You know, besides when I'm mad," I explain.

"Hmm. What was going on the last time this happened?"

"I was with Amber and... we were um," I ramble off, kind of uncomfortable talking about last night with my dad. "I mean we weren't actually, we were just..."

My dad raises his hand to stop my rambling. "Ah. Well, an increase of emotion can always take a part in shifting."

"Yes, but this was.. different," I say.


"I mean, I obviously didn't want to hurt her, and I wasn't mad, so my unintentional shifting wasn't for attacking. Which in all other cases has been the reason."

He rubs his chin thoughtfully. "Not all predatory responses are resulted from negativity. Your attraction to her may bring out the protective features in you from your wolf."

"My wolf," I repeat quietly to myself.

"You have always been more closely connected to the wolf side in you than others, am I correct?"

"Yeah, that's true."

He's quiet for a second. I can practically see the wheels spinning in his head as he tries to figure out what my deformity is. "This is all very interesting. I may have a theory, but I'd need more evidence for it to make sense. But it still may not be possible."

He's talking in circles again. Totally confused on what he's talking about, I shift my thoughts and think about Amber. I wonder what she's doing and how she's feeling. I think about our impending future.

"I can't leave her," I declare.

Knowing exactly who and what I'm talking about, he sighs. "Zyler, you must. You must go back and train. That way you can be stronger to protect her."

"I can protect her by staying here."

"That's not an option. And it's not up to me. The Head wolves voted and agreed that all wolves are to return and train."

I frown into my hands. "Then we should bring her with," I offer for the fifth time.

"No, she's better off here with the trained guards that will stay behind with her," he answers in the same exact way. I glare at him for thinking he knows what's better for my girl, and not agreeing with my opinion. He ignores it and looks at me with pity. "Besides, it's not a place for humans. You know they won't allow her there. That's been a long standing rule."

"You could talk to them," I grit out, my temper rising.

"Even if I tried son, they wouldn't listen to me. There's nothing that I can do to-"

My pulse spikes and I stop listening. "Don't tell me there's nothing you can do! You know damn well that you have a powerful voice in that group and if you fought hard enough you could persuade them!" I snarl.

His eyes widen almost imperceptibly, but he stays silent. I feel my canines, and know from my racing blood that my eyes are glowing. I take a breath and try to calm myself, realizing I'm yelling at my own father. I never so much as raise my voice at him.

I look at him apprehensively. "Um, I'm sorry," I say, unsure how to excuse my outburst. He doesn't respond, so I continue my aoplogy. "I know I shouldn't have shouted, I'm just-"

"No, it's fine."

"How is it fine?" I mumble. "I was just yelling at you."

"I don't know it's just..." He closes his eyes for a second. "Something's different with you. Do you feel it, son?"

I nod. "That's kind of what I was talking about earlier. Something is wrong with me."

He opens his mouth to say something, but changes his mind and closes it.

"What?" I question him.

He just shakes his head. "I think you will be fine."

He sits down next to me and sets a hand on my shoulder. "Look, if your mother were here and someone told me I had to leave her, I would refuse. She is my mate and wife, my other half."

I note that he says is his mate. Even with all of the years that she's been gone, he's never gazed at another woman. His commitment inspires me, so I continue to listen.

"If I knew leaving would potentially help her more, I would have to comply. I know it's hard to see the good in this situation now, but in time you will."

"Ok," I say halfheartedly.

I think about his words as he walks away. I doubt I'll ever see the good in leaving my angel behind, but maybe if I think it enough times I'll start to believe it.

Ok peeps. I am not satisfied with the title of this book. just a heads up now becuz I'll probably be changing it sometime soon.

Thanks for reading, vote if you liked the chapter, and tell me what you think abt it!

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