"Laksh! I am married." I stated and he nodded like it is not a new news.

"I know! My Dad even took out his interest from your Dad's company for that naughty act you did. But don't worry, I am not mad about it. Now, we can be together." He said with a sick smile.

"No!" I said taking a step back.

"You are sick! Do you even hear what you are saying? I am married and you are talking... go and join some hospital." I spatted and continued to step back to reach the door.

"If you work for me everything will be cured." He said shrugging and I felt like I am talking to a wall.

He slowly walked near to me and moved to trail his fingers over my cheek, but before I can move he placed his hand on my wrist.

"We will have an amazing time, Anusha. Start working from today and you will know." He said, smirking and I tugged my hand from his taking a step back not showing my back.

"I will never work for you." I said, feeling relief that I didn't sign the contract papers.

"But the contract papers..." he trailed off taking them and frowned, looking at the place where I didn't sign.

"Well, it's okay! It seems I am here too early. Anyway, you will be trying for other companies and I will try for them also." He added and the relief got stomped like hell.

"Why are you doing this? What sick game you are playing? We never even met before that day, but you are acting like..." I trailed off and he smirked.

"We never met before, but I saw you, Anusha. And I want you." He said the words in such a way that I know I will puke right now if I don't leave from him.

Stumbling to hold the door knob I turned it and opened it before stepping out of the room.

"It is better if you accept this, Anusha. Because I will not sleep until you are with me and I will do everything. Do you understand when I say everything, right?" his words followed me, but I didn't glance back and rushed out of the company before calling for a cab shivering.

I stuttered, but somehow gave the address to Satvik's home and reached there. Paying the cab, I rushed inside the home and closed the door still hearing his voice.

"Anusha?" I heard the voice and took a step forward, but stumbled on my own step.

"Anusha!" this time the voice was hurried and I felt someone holding my shoulders.

"Get some water!" I heard the demand.

"Okay, Mom!" the words continued to flow, but I felt blank and drank something making me feel clearer about my surroundings.

I glanced to my side to see Aunty sitting beside me holding my hands with worry covering her face.

I glanced up to see Manvi standing before me waving her Saree end before my face. I sniffed and leaned onto Aunty and she let me.

"What happened?" she asked and I shook my head to which she sighed.

"She didn't have breakfast today." Manvi commented while I started thinking should I even tell them about this Laksh.

"Get something for her." Aunty asked and after a few minutes they made me finish the breakfast.

"I will just... just take some rest." I whispered and they both nodded.

Somehow I reached our room and threw myself on the bed before burst out crying remembering the creepiness and the disgust feeling with the way he talked and the way he threatened.

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