Chapter 9

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I know I'm her bias but she now has a boyfriend. It hurts me so much to see her with him. I want to have her to myself.

Me and Harry sat down at the dinner table. I got looks off of everyone.
"So Harry what do you do for a living?" Taehyung asked.
"I'm a Youtuber, I make videos and put them online," Harry responded
"Oh" Tae answered
Everyone was staring at me.
"Let me feed you this" Harry held his spoon out expecting me to take it.
"Ew no. That is too much. I don't do that." I replied and got up and left the living room. I walked into my room and got ready for bed. Harry walked in and back cuddled me.
"Why did you do that back there?" He asked.
"Harry, listen I don't do that cute stuff with boys ok," I said as I kissed him.
He started to kiss me passionately, slowly taking over my body. We both pulled away from each other. I blushed and got in bed. He slowly kissed my neck leaving bruises down my neck and on my chest. He moved on top of me.
"Do you want to do this?" he asked. I nodded my head. He smirked at me.

I woke up to him with his arms around my waist. I recalled all off what happened last night to myself as I smiled to myself. I got up and went to get breakfast.
"Have fun last night?" The angry Tae asked.
"Sorry, What" I answered back.
"You heard me, did you have fun last night?" He was getting angrier.
"Yes, ok, does that satisfy you?" I said with so much sarcasm.
I walked into my room and I got changed. Harry woke up and went to get breakfast while I got changed. I'm happy that I went out and saw V and Harry not fighting.
"Should we go out, I can call the girls?" I said hinting at the fact Emily was going to be with me.
"YES I WOULD LOVE TO" Tae shouted.
"Ok come on let's leave" I smiled.

We turned up at the park we were running around and Harry lifted me up and was hanging me upside down.
"Harry put me down now," I said with tears falling. He didn't.
"Harry pl-ea-se" I was now going to have a panic attack.
"Harry seriously put her down, she's crying now" Emily screamed, slapping Harry. He instantly let go of me and I ran. I ran and ran until I couldn't anymore.


I looked at my phone and I saw that Alice was calling me.
"Where are you y/n"
"The viewpoint of the city"
"What happened?"
"I had a flashback of when I had my motorcycle crash. The one that traumatised me. That one that left me in a hospital for weeks."
"Oh I'm coming to pick you up we will talk about this later at mine and Eunwoo."
"Ok bye"

I'm still traumatised by the crash.


I was riding down the M25 when a car pulled in front of me. I went straight into the back of the car and over the hood. Instantly knocked out.

I woke up 1 month later and I couldn't move. I took me 2 years to get back on a bike but I did it.

End of flashback~~~

Alice just turned up and I got in the car. She took me to her and Eunwoo's place. I'm so happy that she got me and not the boys. I explained everything to the both of them.

Time skip~~~

Alice dropped me off and I went inside and snuck into my room. I wanted to leave for a little while. I had a million missed calls and texts from Harry. I just ignored him. I packed a suitcase and tried to leave without getting noticed by the boys.
"What happened and where are you going?"
"I'm going to Spain for two weeks, I need to clear my head after my flashback of me having my motorcycle crash. That I was in the hospital for almost 2 months and he knew but he decided to not listen to me, goodbye, for now, Emily please be safe and look after my brother for the two weeks is gone." And with that, I left for the airport.

Emily POV

She did not just hint that I like him. He is now cuddling me closer. The boys left almost crying because they all loved her.
"So I was wondering if you would like to get food," V said quietly. He just asked me out on a date. OMG KEEP CALM EMILY!
"Yes we should together" I replied grabbing his hand. We got up and l left.
"Hey Emily, where's y/n," Harry said as I opened the door.
"She's gone to Spain for 2 weeks," I said with a cold stare
"Oh ok. I guess I should leave now." Harry said as walking away.
I made the yeah you should face as he turned around.


I arrived at the airport, checked in and I'm now boarding the plane. 7 hours that's it.

I woke up to the bump of the plane landing. I knew I was here. I got a cab after getting everything. I was here at Sophie's. I knocked on the door.

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