Red remembered who that certain target was and sighed. Things were going from bad to worse. "But it'll go away, right? The heartburn, I mean." She asked Sanlo.

"San - I think it's best that Clarence should explain something as... worrying as this - Lo." Sanlo told her, which was odd for her. Sanlo, being a nurse, would've been used to breaking bad news to some students in the past. The professor would've only been called if such news was life threatening.

Suddenly, the door's to the medical ward burst open and Professor Bordeaux ran inside, with Luella trailing behind him. Clarence looked worried for Red, whereas Luella looked worried for both Red and her coworker.

"Red!" He yelled, running up to (and almost tripping over) the medical bed and sliding right up to her. "Oh, my poor baby..."

Luella exchanged nervous looks with Sanlo. "Clarence, maybe you shouldn't baby Red too much... you know she doesn't like it..." She tried to convince him, but to no avail, as Clarence continued to cuddle Red.

Red struggled to escape from Clarence's grip. She didn't want to release Pepperoni on him, but it was getting more and more temping to do so. "A-Are you going to explain what this is all about to me...?" She asked him.

"It's terrible!" Clarence wailed, "Red, your heart... thanks to that gun, it linked both your heart and the target's together... that's why it's hurting so much. That's your heart trying to adjust to your target's one."

Red suddenly grew very pale. "Does... this heart linking thing do anything else?"

"Sometimes, although I'm afraid that very gun got taken away from me before I could do any proper research..." Clarence squeezed Red so tight that she thought she might faint. "... I'll keep an eye on you, okay? I don't want anything to happen to you! I couldn't take it-!"

"C-Clarence, honey, Red doesn't like it when you do that," Luella said as she pried his grip away from Red (which only resulted in Clarence holding onto Luella for comfort), "Maybe everything will be fine! Right, Sanlo?"

Sanlo averted her eyes from them. "San - We all know what happened last time that weapon was used. For Red's safety, we should get the target and cut the link on their hearts - Lo."

"Um, yeeaaaah..." Red cleared her throat, "... So, the target was... Hekate Ailbhe. Also known as that woman you saw with Casimira."

Clarence yelped in shock, whereas Luella tried to calm him down by squeezing his hand. Sanlo seemed confused by the whole ordeal, and Ackley was off in his own world, tending to his plants in the corner.

A certain professor went into straight out panic mode. "But... we don't even know where she is! And we'll have to somehow capture her and... and...!"

"Clarence, calm down!" Luella insisted, "I'm sure it'll be fine... we can stop whatever plans her husband and herself are planning, and we can always find out where they are using your amazing mind!"

"San - She's right," Sanlo agreed, awkwardly patting Red on her head. "But come to us if anything changes - Lo."

Red nodded and stood up. "Yeah, yeah... just don't constantly bother me. I'm looking at you, professor..." She muttered.

"Oh, don't worry!" Luella chimed in, "I'll make sure Clarence here doesn't worry about you too much... although that is near impossible for him."

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