Chapter 1 🔥 Where Am I?

Start from the beginning

"I was worried sick about you and you're just busy flirting with some woman here? Are you freaking kidding me?"

Venus stomped her feet in annoyance. She wanted to scream bloody hell and scratch the smirk off of the woman's face.

"I ask you a question woman. You do not have the right to ignore me," Marcus demanded arrogantly at her. He stands up and patted his trousers from the dry leaves that clung to it.

"Seriously? You don't recognise me? What's happening here?" Vee ranted, her emotions were sprawled all over the place.

"I won't be asking who you are if I did." His sarcastic remark made Venus more angrier. Marcus leaned on the tree uncaringly and crossed his arms on his chest.

"I am your inamorata! Snap out of it," she implored, stifling a sob.

"Marcus, is this one of your tricks to make me jealous? You can stop now. I already am." The black haired woman demanded in a bratty way. It kinds of reminded her of Animone. She was now also standing behind Marcus. The woman was wearing the same off-shoulder ball gown as her only hers was white like a wedding gown and the later was red with an exaggerated petticoat.

"No. I don't have to stoop that low for some attention. Besides, I don't have to work that hard just to get into your skirt, my lady." Marcus smirked at Vee as he spouted the words without sparing a glance to the person at his back. He found a new interest. Seeing the barbie woman in front of him made the other lady pale in comparison.

"Why you—jerk!" The woman angrily dashed away from them leaving a trail of colorful profanities behind.

"That's rude, why are you like this?" Venus said in disbelief, her eyes followed the retreating back of the pissed off woman. She pitied her, totally taking back the murderous thoughts about her awhile ago. Nobody deserved such treatment. The Marcus in front of her was a stranger.

"So—now that we're alone. Would you care to explain to me everything, my inamorata?" Marcus urged, ignoring her previous comment. His cerulean blue eyes solely fixed on her in curiosity.

What's going on? He really doesn't remember me?

"I, um. . ." She stammered, lost for words. Her mind was working overdrive trying to make sense out of things, trying to figure out what was actually happening.

"Venus! There you are, I've been looking for you," another familiar voice called out to her.

Venus spun around and was relieved to see Aldrik. Finally someone who remembers her.

"Aldrik! Boy, I'm so happy to see you," she beamed at him as he drew nearer.

"What are you doing here with my inamorata, Marcus?" Aldrik spat at him and pulled Vee close to him possessively the moment he reached where she stood.

Say what? Holy mother of peaches and cows. What the hell is going on?

Marcus glared at Aldrik. The animosity between the two princes was overflowing. They were exchanging hostile looks to each other.

"Your inamorata, you say? Ask her. She's the one who claims to be my inamorata." Marcus pointed at her like she was just a nobody for him. No more, no less.

"What lies at are you spewing? She's mine." Aldrik growled at him.

Venus was more than mortified and lost, all she managed to do was look at the two back and forth like some idiot as they barked at each other.

"Tell him, barbie!" Marcus' shout brought her back.

"Huh?" She stared at him blankly then to Aldrik. "Who are you guys?" She asked in confusion swatting Aldrik's arm away from her waist.

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