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omg i was just talking with my best friend and we were sending stickers back and forth on messenger and i fRedkcks went into little space bc they were so cUte n then i had to pretend i wasn't little aaaAaA

╔═══"chapter two" ═╗

                                 ╚═ "forever" ═══╝

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       ╚═ "forever" ═══╝

jeongguk had never felt so alive.

hanging off seokjin's arm like some old, rich businessman's trophy wife, the two made their way around the crowded house, occasionally stopping to chat with people seokjin knew.

the party had been in its prime when they'd arrived over an hour ago. the music was actually good, there weren't people having sex in the corners where they thought no one could see them, and there were plenty of drinks.

seokjin seemed to light up suddenly and started directing them towards a small group of people standing in the kitchen. when the group noticed them, the five all chorused 'hello's and smiles towards seokjin, who quickly tugged jeongguk out from where he'd been hiding behind the elder's broad back.

"this is my boyfriend, jeongguk."

"oh my gosh, you're the cutest thing," one girl cooed, reaching forward to ruffle jeongguk's hair.

seokjin frowned. "byul-yi..." his voice was quiet but the warning was clear. she retracted her hand immediately, eyes flashing an apology. jeongguk ducked his head so the group didn't see the red blush coating his cheeks from the embarrassment.

"anyways, guk, this group of idiots are my friends. the one who tried to pet you is byul-yi, that's junghwan, sunwoo, jaehwan, and heeyeon."

they all smiled warmly towards him, and jeongguk felt the need to bow. "h-hello. nice to meet you. my name is jeon jeongguk."

soon, jeongguk felt comfortable talking with seokjin's friends. he even found out that junghwan, the eldest of the group, was originally from busan like jeongguk.

"so how long have you lived in seoul?"

jeongguk shifted so he was leaning more comfortably against the counter. "um, well my mom and i moved when i was fifteen, so about four years now. yeah, it was just before i started high school."

junghwan nodded, raising his beer to his lips and taking a drink. "i've been here about six years now. moved out here for university."

they fell silent after that, not having anything else in common to talk about. but it was okay, because after only a minute or so seokjin appeared from where he'd been chatting with jaehwan, smiling at jeongguk. "you having fun, baby?" he grasped the younger's hand and tugged him closer, pressing their lips together for a kiss despite their audience.

"y-yes," jeongguk breathed once he broke away for air, "your friends are really nice."

seokjin grinned, "they're only being like that because you're here." before jeongguk could ask what that was supposed to mean, seokjin was waving goodbye to his friends and leading him out of the kitchen and outside onto the patio.

a few people were smoking, some were playing around in the pool. seokjin led jeongguk to the railing of the deck and leaned back against it. the older of the two looked up at the starry sky, still holding jeongguk's hand.

"the stars are so pretty tonight, guk."

jeongguk hummed in agreement, leaning closer to seokjin so he could rest his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. "hey, hyung?"


"you won't ever leave me, right?"

seokjin frowned, standing straight and turning his head to look properly at jeongguk. he reached his hand out and grasped the boy's chin. "guk, are you okay?"

"you won't leave me, right?" jeongguk just repeated, voice shaking slightly.

seokjin leaned in, not connecting their lips but instead resting his forehead against the younger's, so both of them could feel each's others breath on their faces. "i promise to love you forever." he then pressed their lips together and kissed jeongguk passionately, like he was conveying just how much he loved the younger through his mouth.

jeongguk couldn't help but think of how seokjin's reply didn't really answer his question the way he'd wanted.


short but sweet!

hope you like it so far, i swear the others will be better and longer from now on

love u guys!!
- alyssa

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