40. College

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One week later

It's been a week since Carter left. We have talked a little on the phone and Geo knows. He wasn't mad. He actually encourage it. I was shocked when he said it was okay.


Me and Geo had just came back to my house after being at the mall for awhile.

"Court is that you?" Brysen asked as we came through the door.

"Who else would it be. Oh yeah, maybe Meridith? Ouuu," I teased him.

Meridith and Brysen have still been spending a lot of time together. I don't know why they haven't made it official yet but oh well. And speaking of making it official Ariana and Waleed have. I'm super happy for them.

"No. Shut up," He said. "Can you check the mail?" 

"Sure," I went to check the mail and saw a couple of things with my name on it. I just sat it on the table not really wanting to look at it at that moment. Brysen picked it up and looked through it.

"Ouuu. A letter from college." Brysen said to me.

I shrugged, "Mmm whatever." 

"It's probably that acceptance letter," He said.

About two year ago I didn't know if I wanted to go to college or not. I decided to take a year off then go but I wanted to go to one in particular but probably wouldn't get accepted and there was the letter right In front of me. I had no confidence that I'd get accepted so I didn't really care to look at it.

"Come on. Just open it," Geo said smiling at me.

"No thanks," I said. "Brysen you open it." 

"Okay fine," Brysen said.

He opened it and I got a little nervous.

He started reading fast and excitedly. "We regret..To inform you that.."

"STOP!" I don't want to hear the rest.

Geo ran over and started to read. "I regret to inform you that Brysen was lying. YOU GOT ACCEPTED!" Geo screamed hugging me.

I hugged him back. "Really?" I said.

"Yes." Geo said.

I started to tear up. "What the fuck." 

"What do you mean what the fuck? Is this not a good thing?" Geo asked.

"That's how she is when she's super surprised and is about to start crying," Brysen said.

"Oh. AWWWE baby," Geo said hugging me.

"I'm so fucking happy," I cried.

"You should be. You worked hard for this," Brysen said.

I let go of Geo and ran to Brysen and hugged him. Then Geo hugged both of us forming a group hug. 

We broke and I looked at the paper. "It says I have to leave in 3 days. That doesn't sound right" 

"It probably got lost in the mail. Stop doing that," Brysen said.

"Okay. I'm sorry," I said.

I ran upstairs and started to pack. Like 10 minutes later Geo came in my room. "Hey." 

"Hey," I smiled.

"I know you're really excited and I don't want to ruin that but...what does this mean for us?" 

"I feel like we can do the long distance thing. Don't you?" I said.

"Yeah. Definitely. But why did you and Carter break up if you can do the long distance? He couldn't do it?" He asked.

"We aren't made for long distance. As a couple. I don't know it's hard to explain," I replied.

"Oh. I don't get it but okay," He said.

He just sat on my bed watching me pack. With every outfit he seemed more hurt and sad. 

I looked at him, "Babe? Are you okay?


"Don't lie. Just say it," I said.

"I mean obviously I'm not super happy about you leaving across the country," He responded.

"I'm gonna miss you too," I said.

He grabbed my hand helping me up and hugged me tight. I felt his tears on my shoulder and I patted his back. 

Three days later.

Today I woke up excitedly sad. I'm gonna miss Geo and Brysen and all my friends. Geo wanted to drive me to the airport but I told him no. I didn't want to have a break down on the plane or in the airport. So I had Logan take me. It was easier with him. He made me laugh and feel better.

Geo had slept over the day before making it that much harder to leave my bed. 

"9 months is a long time," Geo said playing with my hands as we face each other with nothing but our heads above the cover.

"I have breaks," 

"Your first break isn't for 3 months," 

"Then we can FaceTime and call each other every day," I kissed him.

"Until you make friends and start to party and start testing. Then none of my calls get answered and you're always tired or busy," 

"Geo. Don't say that," I told him. 

"I know. I'm sorry. I can't help but to think the worst," he said.

"You're gonna be busy too," I mentioned.

I looked over at the clock. It was time for me to go.

"I have to go babe," I said in a sorry voice.

He turned a little red, "I know. I know. I love you. Don't ever forget that."

I got up and got ready to go. I said goodbye to everyone and Logan dropped me off.


I got on the plane and felt my whole life dissolve. Everything and everyone is going to move on without me. I don't know if this is the right direction for me to take, but it's too late now. A stranger sat next to me and smiled at me. I returned the smiled. She was pretty and looked so sure of her life.


I got off the plane and took a deep breath. This is my new home for now. I texted everyone and let them know I made it. Good luck to me.

Chapter 40! And also the end of this book. I'm most likely going to make a sequel but If you want me to, comment and let me know. Don't forget to check out my other book "Best Friends". Thanks to everyone who read this or is going to read this. I appreciate it so much. Hope everybody has a great day/night. Just a heads up the next update will be an actual update so...Yeah. 😊✨💜

Word count is 1,068

Ignore all spelling errors

December 18, 2017

By Chance | A flamingeos fanficWhere stories live. Discover now