27. I Miss You

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It's been a couple days since me and Carter went on our "almost date". He came over the next day to help find my cassette tapes and we found them and listen to a couple. Then the next day he was over. And the next day and the next day and the next day and the next day.... And he's over again today. We have gotten to know each other well I would say. But today he's over to help me put my bookshelf together. Yeah, Brysen could have helped but I can't kiss Brysen if I decide to be bold.

"Can you hand me the A screws?" Carter asked.

"Okay um what the fuck is an A screw?" I asked.

"The screws that has the big A on top of the bag," He chuckled.

"Oh right," I said. I handed him the bag and just watched in awe as he put it together. He's sooo handsome. His piercing blue eyes and perfect teeth. And how his hair falls perfectly on his head. It's such a beautiful sight.

"Oh. So apparently you can build this two ways. You can have it straight down or it can get bigger at the base," He said.

I just stared at him, ignoring everything he was saying. It just went in one ear and out the other.

"And if you return the other pieces you can get 50% off your next purchase."

Still not listening.

"So how do you want it?" He asked.

I bit my lip because I heard what he said. I just heard it in a different context.

"Your lip is going to start bleeding sooner or later," He laughed.

I snapped out of it, "Um surprise me."

"You are talking about the bookshelf, right?" He questioned.

"Yes I'm talking about the bookshelf," I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Um can you hand me the uhh.. *snap snap*" something was blocking his concentration.

"The screwdriver?" I asked. I handed it to him.

"Yeah. The screwdriver. By the way your shirt's falling," He said.

I looked down at my chest and saw a nipple that almost got exposed. I was so embarrassed.

"I'm going to change," I grabbed a new shirt and quickly walked to the bathroom to change.

I came back and said, "Looks like we're making progress."

"Yes I am making progress," He said.

"Well I gave you the screwdriver so we."

"Sure. Whatever makes you happy," He said.

"You know what would really make me happy?" I asked.

"No. What?" He questioned with a slight chuckle. He sounded so hot when he did that.

I leaned in towards him and kissed him. He grabbed onto my waist, pulling me closer to him. He began to get up and so did I. Then he gently laid me on my bed. I was just about to pull his shirt off until I heard a knock on the door. We both pulled away, but he was still on top of me.

"Yes?" I said.

Geo opened the door and Carter quickly got off of me.

"I didn't say come in," I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"I'm sorry. Brysen needs you really quick," He said.

"What does he want?" I asked.

"I don't know. He just said to come and get you," Geo replied.

"Ugh," I scooted off of my bed and followed Geo into Brysen's empty room.

"Where is Brysen?" I asked.

"Downstairs. I need to talk to you," He said quickly.

"What?" I said. Over the past couple of days me and Geo have became friends? I mean we didn't sit down and say "hey we're friends" but we have gotten more comfortable with each other.

"So why did you lie about Brysen?" I asked.

"Because do you really think your little boyfriend is going to let you talk to me alone?" He questioned.

"I do what I want and he's not my boyfriend," I said.

"Really? Because the way he was just on you like that doesn't say besties to me," He said getting loud.

"Why do you even care?" I said.

"Because..." He was gathering his thoughts.

"Okay just get to the point. What do you want?" I was getting annoyed.

"You," He said.

I was shocked, "What do you mean, me?" 

"I mean I miss you. I made a huge mistake letting you go," He said.

"What do you mean? Where is this coming from?" I questioned.

"Seeing you with Carter has just..I don't know. Him being over everyday, It just reminds me of what I lost." 

"Geo I can't do this right now," I walked out of Brysen's room back into mine.

"What did Brysen want?" Carter asked.

Being with Carter and remembering what Geo said about how I want to be fixed but never help has made me realize that people's reactions shouldn't make me scared to tell them things.

"It was Geo," I said.

"What do you mean?" 

"He kinda just...He said that letting me go was a mistake." 

"Um..." He stood up.

I lightly pushed him back down, "No, no, no. What are you doing?"

"Relax. I just want to talk to him," He said getting back up.

"Well I don't want you to talk to him," I smiled.

"Fine, but if he does some shit like that again tell me." 

"Okay, okay."

Chapter 21! Do you think Courtney should give Geo another chance and forget about Carter? For your procrastinating pleasure 😊 lol

Word count is 935

Ignore all spelling errors

Edit: My punctuation was all types of trash.

October 23, 2017

By Chance | A flamingeos fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora