"I wonder if Kaelen removed C-Bass's authorization to enter the house again," whispered Xara as heard the doorbell chime for the second time. Xara turned the burner down on the stove to let chicken broth simmer.

When the doorbell started to ring again with enthusiasm she frowned slightly as she hurried to the foyer and threw open the door.  "C-Bass did you leave - ?"

"C-Bass," laughed Ruby as her eyes narrowed on Xara.  "I've come to see my Kae," announced Ruby as she pushed her way past Xara and into the house.

"He's not here," responded Xara as she tried to catch up with Ruby as she strolled toward the kitchens.

Ruby could smell something delicious as she walked toward the kitchen and frowned in disgust.  As Ruby walked into the kitchen she sniffed the air and sneered, “What's that awful smell?"

Xara frowned as she walked passed Ruby toward the pot and lifted the lid.  "I'm preparing dinner," sighed Xara as she added dumplings to the broth.

"He's made you a servant," laughed Ruby as she clapped her hands gleefully.  "This is perfect," she whispered to herself.

"Hmm," hummed Xara as she added cabbage and button mushrooms.  "I'm not a servant we're supposed to take turns cooking but I found I liked cooking and offered to do it every day."

Ruby lips tightened as she raised her hand to call forth a picnic basket, "I had my servants prepare a nice dinner for Kaelen and myself to enjoy.  So," Ruby waved her hand in disgust toward Xara and the pot, "he will not be eating the disgusting slop you're making."

"Okay," hummed Xara as she pretended to tune Ruby out.

Ruby lips pulled back into a sneer as she walked toward the front of the house, "Soon bitch you'll be dead."

"Uh huh," hummed Xara as she started to set the table.

"Gods!  You are so annoying!"  Ruby stomped toward Xara as she set the table and picked up one of the forks.  "Die bitch!"  In on swift move she thrusted the fork towards Xara's neck."

"Stop" screamed Xara as barely side stepped the prongs and felt them plunge into her shoulder. "What is wrong with you," she whispered in disbelief.

Ruby stared in satisfaction at the fork that protruded from Xara's shoulder. "I was aiming for the artery in your neck," came Ruby's nasty retort as she calmly picked up another fork.  "I won't miss this time.  He's mine and I refuse to let you have him."

Xara fingers wrapped around the fork and pulled.  "Kaelen has no interest in me outside of drinking my blood."

"You aren't even worth that," yelled Ruby as she started to raise the fork to attack Xara again.

"If you do this," Xara began slowly as she twisted her lips wearily, "And no one is around...will someone hear you scream when Sebastian is killing you."

"What," sputtered Ruby not sure she heard her correctly.

"She asked," began Sebastian coolly as he leaned against the door frame.  "When I kill you if anyone will hear you scream."

Ruby didn't have time to turn around to confront Sebastian before every piece of silverware on the table rose and was directed toward her.  As she stared in mock horror they all flew at her.  With a wave of her hand they all dropped to the floor, "Little boy I don't know who you think you are but you are no match for me," laughed Ruby as she picked up one of the forks from the floor.

"Really," taunted Sebastian as he stared behind her.  "I think you should look again."

Ruby glanced over her shoulder to see several knives poised at her back.  She turned back to Sebastian and laughed as she waved.  When she didn't hear the sound of metal as it landed on the marble floor she glanced back to see that the number had doubled.  "How is that possible," she scoffed as she waved a hand again and watched as the number doubled again.

The Academy - Book IIIWhere stories live. Discover now