"Oppa, what are you doing?"

"Why would you  wore high heels in the first place?"  he snorted and began with his hands-taking off my black high heels one by one. And soon when the both of it were off from my feet, he opens the shoe box that he had just bought and revealing a red moccasin flat shoes. It was a simple design but it seems to be so comfortable to wear.Not to mention the cute webbing tied into a small ribbon by the upper part.

Truthfully i don't even know why i did wear high heels from home. Maybe it was just the custom of my family always taught me ever since i was small. I guess i should change our family's history already i guess.

Donghae starts to take a a hold of my feet and put on the red moccasin on it.I grew flustered and felt embarrassed for once a guy ever done this for me.

"W-wait I can do it by myself! It's alright!" I tried to reach for his hand but he only smirks at me in return without having his hands off from me.

"Too late.There, much comfortable now?"

Hesitantly i nod and stood up. It does feel more good and my feet could finally relaxed.I couldn't help but to smile as my heart leaps out for joy and happiness.

"Y-yeah. Thank you so much." i mumbled but loud enough for him to hear. Donghae shot me a relief smile and began to put back my heels into the shoe box in exchange and place it back to the plastic.

Lee Donghae is truly such a gentleman,no wonder all the girls in school always go all swooning over him whenever he smiled or just walked passed by.I mean, who doesn't fall for a guy like him right?

"What are you doing here anyway,Oppa?"  i ask even after we met a few minutes ago.

He handed me my high heels as speak; "I lived around here and i was bored at the condominium. Eunhyuk keep on rantings about his girlfriend." he shrugs his shoulders off and i could just chuckles.


He nodded; "Yeah, we live in the same condo.Although how much i hated him for throwing used socks around."

I laugh,

Even to guys he is being caring

"Now that we met here,wanna grab something to eat?" as if he could read my thoughts; i quickly nodded not wanting to miss another chance with him.


With that,we heading out from the shop and strolled along to find a cafe or restaurant that looks eye catching.

"How 'bout that one?" i pointed out as soon as my eyes caught a small restaurant by the corner that was designed with woods and bamboos and orange lights filled the inside.Not too crowded either.

"Ramen huh.Sounds good to me" He agreed and we both entered it

"Table for two please"

"Of course, right this way sir"  the waitress who stood in front bring us inside further more and we found a seat that was placed right around the corner.

"What would you have for?" Donghae glance at me over the menu in his hand

"I think just a pork ramen"  i replied-scanning my eyes on the menu and by just looking at it was really mouth-watering.

"Porkie" he purposely lets out a cough and a mischievous smile,and i playfully glared at him.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." he sniggered nonchalantly.

"Alright then,one spicy miso ramen for me and one pork ramen for this beautiful young lady here." he teased as handing over the menu to the waitress as i did it too.

The waitress giggles and i swear i could see blush coated her pale cheeks as she stared at Donghae's genuine smile.

"Your order will be served in 15 minutes. Excuse me"  she finally bowed down and left

"You rag." i snorted

His lips made its way to form a cheesy smile and boy, he looks so drop dead gorgeous with that spiked up hair style that he never change in school.

We were in a good and normal conversations until i decided to go to the bathroom because..well,i literally needed. Girls problems as usual.

"I gotta use the washroom for a while," i excused myself and he nodded in approval.I stood up from the seat and almost stepped away from the spot until a young woman walked in and accidentally bumped a waiter which is right beside with a tray of a cold drink on his hand and causing him to lose the balance of his hand and the drink fell towards me-spilling the green cold liquid all over my head and down onto my coat.

"I-i'm sorry Miss! Are you alright!?" i heard the waiter ask in panic and starts taking out a napkin from his pocket

"I'm..fine! It's okay!"  i faked a grin while i could feel the cold liquid strolled down from my temples to the inside of my turtle neck sweater.It was hella cold.

"Ah Ri." i heard Donghae's voice from behind and quickly taking out tissues from a random person's table to wipe the top of my head and my face gently

"I'm fine!really!" But the truth is,this is really embarrassing.All eyes on me and i started to act like i'm fine with it.

"O-oh my! I'm so sorry! If only i had looked where i was walking!"  the young woman who caused all these came up in front of me with a handkerchief on her hands. But what caught the most is her beautiful feature with her ravenette shoulder-length hair.

"I'm okay,don't worry about it" i shot her my eyes-smiles since i know she didn't mean any of this and the innocent face she had just giving more pressure into it.

"Hey you-.." Donghae spun around from me and face the pretty young woman making his back facing onto me and was about to give her a lecture.

But he was interjected by his own self. The young woman's eyes traveled from me to him.Her eyes instantly grew widen as if she had seen something unexpected.

I could feel Donghae's shoulders got tensed and he remain quiet out of a sudden but since i couldn't see his face now so i couldn't judge.

Until the young woman muttered,

"Donghae.." she trailed off

Huh?Wait,she knows Donghae?

Still in dumbfounded,Donghae uttered under his breath and a hint of sadness and grim along with a rage and anger was in it by just one word that slipped through his lips,

"Hye Won..."

What the hell just happened?

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